Search results

  1. Flipper

    Exposing Dwimmer for kidnapping my llamas

    I didn't steal the 80 llamas so its fine for me :3
  2. Flipper

    Exposing Dwimmer for kidnapping my llamas

    yeah it started with just 4 llamas til we got more *all of this happened in newcity not cayman*
  3. Flipper

    500K GIVEAWAY (Enter here)! :D

    1. Username: Ltg_Flipper 2. Why do you want the money? : well to get any new plots or pvp stuff 3. Things you are thankful for: My friends, family, Earth, school and a whole bunch more :3 4. One thing you like about McCities: The community ofc :D
  4. Flipper

    >:o hi bob :>

    >:o hi bob :>
  5. Flipper


  6. Flipper

    [TAP] A lot of stuff (+Giveaway)

    Ltg_Flipper :D
  7. Flipper

    Selling Raffle for hybridmansion

    200k for a ticken...ok
  8. Flipper

    Buying Fortune 5 pick price

    aw so cute
  9. Flipper

    Accepted LavaFlake’s Teacher Application

    gl lava :)
  10. Flipper

    Plot Giveaway #1

    :o I won
  11. Flipper

    Plot Giveaway #1

    Ltg_Flipper just for the heck of it :p
  12. Flipper

    January POTM

    I nominate @pengyy :D
  13. Flipper

    Could someone make a list of all the scroll types?

    also ask pengy as well
  14. Flipper

    Selling A Halloween Hat 2018!

    I think Pengy sold them all to Death
  15. Flipper


    nu thats a :3 face xd
  16. Flipper


    yeah jack is better ;3
  17. Flipper


    14 boiiss
  18. Flipper


    Welcome!! :D
  19. Flipper

    3rd year on cities!

    Congrats on 3 years!!! :D thx for tagging me