Search results

  1. ramdon


  2. ramdon


  3. ramdon


    Mega ooooof
  4. ramdon

    Hi!!! :)

    Hi!!! :)
  5. ramdon

    Staff Resignation - My time to go

  6. ramdon

    Henlo, world!

    Heno (My verson of hi that I made up xD)
  7. ramdon

    How is colour pronounced? (Do you pronounce it the same way as color?)

    How is colour pronounced? (Do you pronounce it the same way as color?)
  8. ramdon


    no u
  9. ramdon

    Resolved Lost items In Inventory

    @nibble could you please help me?
  10. ramdon

    no u

    no u
  11. ramdon

    Resolved Lost items In Inventory

    Username: ramdon_person4 What you were doing before this occurred: joined the game What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I lost: scope chest plate, 2 scope swords, 6 Halloween Candy, 7 power crystals, 3 hologram projectors, 7 hardened metal, Damascus Steel Multi Tool...
  12. ramdon

    Home grifed/robbed

    1. Who are you accusing: TangoHD, Toiq and @Forsake 2. What are your claims/accusations: @Individuall has screenshots 3. Any additional proof you can provide us: if you could please check the top floor and 2nd to top floor on oshop for stolen items (the top was my sf workshop).
  13. ramdon

    Searching for a Company to work

    I can msg you in game when I get unbanned
  14. ramdon

    Searching for a Company to work

    you can work for eco tech
  15. ramdon

    Grapic_TangoHD is using hacks and grifed my plot

    Person Who I am Reporting: Grapic_TangoHD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Claims: 1. He griefed my plot sky203 as some staff are aware of (sundae22, IIaruisII and Gjegevey) 2. He has admitted to using hacks (He sent me a screen shot of himself on...
  16. ramdon

    lost 1.6 mill from bal

  17. ramdon

    Going inactive

    Hope you have a nice time on your new game :)
  18. ramdon

    Case Closed Stolen Charging Bench

    1. Who are you accusing: Forsake 2. What are your claims/accusations: He has removed my charging bench form the plot oshop 3. Any additional proof you can provide us: yes, I have a few screen shots
  19. ramdon


  20. ramdon

    lost 1.6 mill from bal

    I had a similar issue where I 60k 2 days ago