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  1. Jabu

    What do we do if we don't have a soul?

    What do we do if we don't have a soul?
  2. Jabu

    Favorite word to type

    Can it be two words?
  3. Jabu

    The Train Epidemic: A /global issue.

    "Chu" "Foreva" "neva" "nein" "yush" "ish" "meh" "mah" "boi" "Bruh" "nu" should all be banned words. #FightTheTrains
  4. Jabu

    Same. last night I kept seeing things which caused me to have 3 seperate panic attacks in the night

    Same. last night I kept seeing things which caused me to have 3 seperate panic attacks in the night
  5. Jabu


  6. Jabu


  7. Jabu

    Server Suggestion: Military

    We'll all be dead before you American's can even get through 100 nukes, including America. There's a reason why nuke's are never sent. They're more of a scare tactic than an actual weapon, nobody has the balls to actually send a nuke. Cause that'd be the end of their country. If a country sent a...
  8. Jabu

    Got 20 minutes of sleep all of last night (not from a lack of trying). It also turns out I have...

    Got 20 minutes of sleep all of last night (not from a lack of trying). It also turns out I have the flu.
  9. Jabu

    I'm 4'11

    I'm 4'11
  10. Jabu


  11. Jabu

    Yet here I am not even five feet tall. If you look down very closely you might see me.

    Yet here I am not even five feet tall. If you look down very closely you might see me.
  12. Jabu

    Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoilers (Do not read if you don't want to know what happens!)

    True, if it is. Kick grandpa snoke's butt we will.
  13. Jabu

    Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoilers (Do not read if you don't want to know what happens!)

    Agree, my inner yoda does not. Wrong, you are. Too important to the plot, snoke is. Lives, he still.
  14. Jabu


    Welcome to Canada
  15. Jabu

    why does everyone beg for followers... why cant you just get them by posting on the forums?

    why does everyone beg for followers... why cant you just get them by posting on the forums?
  16. Jabu


  17. Jabu


    Snow is fun.. until you gotta shovel snow that's up to your head #CanadianProblems
  18. Jabu

    Player of the Month Nomination

    That depressing moment when only one person votes for you XD
  19. Jabu


    I btought it to the attention of the owners when I was owner of the island. They said it wouldnt be expanded, hense why I sold it in the first place. If I was actually told the truth i'd still be the owner of bunny. That's what angers me about it.
  20. Jabu


    And you also got it expanded for 11mill which I was told wasnt part of the island.