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  1. Death

    Another sort of arch world for island owners/islands

    No not really all islands need to be, basically a plot is alotted there already its up to them if they want to use it, this mostly applies if a whole island is being redone from scratch or huge chunks. But other thing like structures for your island etc can also be done there
  2. Death

    Another sort of arch world for island owners/islands

    Its not the need for archs, theyre like super busy, in that sense if thins were cheaper if we get an arch, then we would be drawed back to hiring them for something which was suppose to enable regular players to work on it. Besides theyre usally busy with builds for players a project this big...
  3. Death

    I'm finnally quitting for good.

    Oh nuuuuuu mai noob fwend. Good bai Talk on disc ;) -noobest fortnite player
  4. Death

    Another sort of arch world for island owners/islands

    I was thinking if us island owners could somehow get access to a world similar to arch world because most of us need our islands redone. I know you may think its temporary, but having they layout of the island while building new structures on it make it a lot easier. What I mean by this is that...
  5. Death


  6. Death


    @koekie_w Ive seen some of Koekies medieval/rustic castle builds. Hes pretty good at castles.
  7. Death

    Completed Unregion Request #2

    Death_Inferno360 Plot: bungalow-2 Location: Paradise_Island (nibble holds the island atm) @nibble if I could be allowed to unregion the plot
  8. Death

    Completed Unregion Request

    Death_Inferno360 Plot to unregion: underdasea-13 Location: Undeadland Plot to unregion: modernhome-5 Location: kremesville (Im manager of kremesville, if really needed you ask admiral desoto to confirm)
  9. Death

    Resolved Left jobs miner accidentally

    I can confirm I took the screenie, this happened today soo this is based on an hour r two ago
  10. Death

    Yes haha

    Yes haha
  11. Death

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Ikr why do people still do this smh
  12. Death

    Who no xxironfistxx not iron777 Also update Powerfull has just joined the police force a few...

    Who no xxironfistxx not iron777 Also update Powerfull has just joined the police force a few hours ago
  13. Death

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    When will the person get 300k @Gabbygytes
  14. Death

    Nuuuu share his blessings grr

    Nuuuu share his blessings grr
  15. Death

    Powerfull resigned from cop a few days or earlier, (but stil a staff member) Sundae22 is...

    Powerfull resigned from cop a few days or earlier, (but stil a staff member) Sundae22 is Admin-Minister of Arch (Basically also an Arch) Arius is a Arch-Moderator Graphic_Elf is a Moderator-Principal MehLife is a Senior Cop-Moderator IronFist i a Arch-Moderator Idk if this counts Coban is a...
  16. Death

    Leanne And Joey's Goodbye Video

    @LeanneTheUnicorn Btw thats the wrong joey his forum names is @DarkMagicinY
  17. Death

    And thats why the brits drink tea

    And thats why the brits drink tea
  18. Death

    @[5008:@MagicalPanguin] your friends are about to be exposed owo

    @[5008:@MagicalPanguin] your friends are about to be exposed owo
  19. Death

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Lets keep going humans and non humans
  20. Death

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Eggs are ‘fun’