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  1. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Shoop? Ka-boop, shloop ha-boop.
  2. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Woopity doop, zoopitty spoop. Cloop shoop shmoop.
  3. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Victory will be mine.
  4. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Hey it looks like I can spam!
  5. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Right. We don't have infinite time at our disposal anymore.
  6. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    I SHALL GET THIS 600k, and I'd like to see ya stop me!
  7. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

  8. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    It's for the greater good of saying pointless crap.
  9. Cozmicraft

    Ways to get Money

    Lapis is the worst
  10. Cozmicraft

    Love your new skin!

    Love your new skin!
  11. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Bark, bork. Heck. Bork. Bark bork.
  12. Cozmicraft

    Ways to get Money

    You get 2-4 diamonds with fortune 3, and 3-7 with fortune 5.
  13. Cozmicraft

    [GAME] Who can post last? [600K REWARD MONEY] [LEGIT PAYING]

    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can...
  14. Cozmicraft

    Ways to get Money

    Buy a fortune 5 pickaxe. Worth the investment for sure.
  15. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Thank you, @wisemanjp! You're a great person and please, by all means, keep on making the server a better place!
  16. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    One quote that sums up all the hate that comes from random people comes from Einstein himself. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
  17. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Here's an idea that I don't see too often: A new chat filter. Our current chat filter censors many inoffensive words, an example being, "It's exactly." Now, I know that the filter is trying to recognize bypassing, but it's kind of ridiculous to censor that, especially while players can so...