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  1. blu3skyler

    Gone for.. ??

    Stay safe ;-; I'll miss ya!
  2. blu3skyler

    Completed Tranfer Request

    Username:Blu3skyler Creative Plot: 2nd plot of Mariewalrus. It is surrounded by iron bars & stone bricks. City plot you want the build moved on: largedave-1 Thanks! :D
  3. blu3skyler

    Considering quiting PvP .

    Considering quiting PvP .
  4. blu3skyler

    Player of the Month Nomination

    #TeamLaggy all the way!
  5. blu3skyler

    tired all the time, just tired

    tired all the time, just tired
  6. blu3skyler


  7. blu3skyler

    yes ma'am haha

    yes ma'am haha
  8. blu3skyler

    Hello friend! :D

    Hello friend! :D
  9. blu3skyler

    j cole is my favorite, highly recommend him if you haven't heard his music yet!

    j cole is my favorite, highly recommend him if you haven't heard his music yet!
  10. blu3skyler

    mArIeEEeeee! hiiii

    mArIeEEeeee! hiiii
  11. blu3skyler

    I got my laptop to work so I'll be on sometimes during the weeks but probably wont be doing much...

    I got my laptop to work so I'll be on sometimes during the weeks but probably wont be doing much since my laptop is so darn slow! Cx
  12. blu3skyler

    I'll miss you :((((((

    I'll miss you :((((((
  13. blu3skyler

    blu3pi0 hehehheeee

    blu3pi0 hehehheeee
  14. blu3skyler

    I start in 3 days ;-;

    I start in 3 days ;-;
  15. blu3skyler

    we'd probably be great friends then hehehehee

    we'd probably be great friends then hehehehee
  16. blu3skyler

    I need more friends bleh! Message me & let me smell you!! <333333

    I need more friends bleh! Message me & let me smell you!! <333333
  17. blu3skyler

    Rip I already miss you pvp buddy! ):

    Rip I already miss you pvp buddy! ):
  18. blu3skyler

    :) Why thank you Jay

    :) Why thank you Jay
  19. blu3skyler

    I'm so nice, seriously! I'm not sure why people think I'm mean hehe

    I'm so nice, seriously! I'm not sure why people think I'm mean hehe
  20. blu3skyler

    your too much Uni XD <3

    your too much Uni XD <3