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  1. glowstick77

    Region Trade

    and i give permission btw
  2. glowstick77

    Region Trade

    hey! i got an account ahh
  3. glowstick77

    Completed New Landlord

    Hey! I recently purchased. mini-building, and I'd like to be the new landlord. apartment/plot: mini-building tysm!
  4. glowstick77

    Apartment Build

    *regioning whoops spell check
  5. glowstick77

    Apartment Build

    nevermind sksksk the apartment can't have reigning
  6. glowstick77

    Transfer Request

    this plot was already bought, no transfer needed! ty
  7. glowstick77

    Transfer Request

    hey! I'd like a a creative transfer to a city plot! there is a build on the city plot that can be replaced, but if possible I'd love to keep the basements. city plot: shop3 creative build: /plot home 1
  8. glowstick77

    Completed Transfer Request

    hey! just checking to see if this was going to be checked anytime soon ahh
  9. glowstick77


  10. glowstick77

    Completed Transfer Request

    hey! i would like a creative build transferred to a city plot. creative: /plot home 4 city: modernhouse-5 (the current house on the city plot can be cleared!) thank you!
  11. glowstick77

    Transfer Request

    Hey! I'd like a creative build transferred to a city plot! city plot: amh5 creative build : /plot home 3 current build on plot can be cleared! thank you!
  12. glowstick77

    Transfer Request

    Hey! i'd like to transfer a creative build to a city plot! city plot: h216 (empty, 9x11) creative plot: /plot home 2 thank you!
  13. glowstick77

    Transfer Request

    hey! I'd like a creative house transferred to my city plot! xD username: glowstick77 city plot: h806 creative build: /plot home 1 the current house on the city plot can be cleared, I can clear it if you need. thank you!