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  1. Spirit

    Case Closed Suing Adelrik

    My new ign is Adelrik. And I received your mail in the game and I am here now to tell Freezetic that his stuff is back in his chests. I did rob him, but I did this as a friendly challenge, since we are neighbors. Sorry for everything won't do it again. Didn't mean to cause trouble. Also...
  2. Spirit

    I am back after being away for a long time.

    I am back after being away for a long time.
  3. Spirit

    Heather's Resignation Letter

    Heather, I wish you luck in life and you will be really missed. You were a great staff member you helped so many people and were so kind.
  4. Spirit

    Military is being added?!?!

    I am thinking that rank would require approval of staff and a test like police or architect, but unlike the police admission process it should be easy to get into. I would think they have to meet requirements like 5 hours of playtime per week and that they have to be a resident. Something I...
  5. Spirit

    Military is being added?!?!

    I am assuming that since the military doesn't have power in the city that the military is just going be for more ranks. I think that each rank should have its own pros and cons. Like if there is a bomber/escort they should be faster in vehicles, but lightly armored and if there was a rifleman...
  6. Spirit

    Home Transfer

    Sorry didn't mean to make this post.
  7. Spirit


    Hi. My name is The_Spirit_King. I have been on this server for about a month now and I enjoy it. A few of my interests are robbing the bank, having fun(of course who wouldn't), and building. I hope through this post I will have a positive impact on your great community and server.