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  1. C

    Metro Way

    As it does not exist a map of the server, why don't implementate a railway connecting regions? it would be good also for orienting while moving from a place to other instead of tpping
  2. C

    Denied quotation for transfer

    as NOT SAID, buyer has disappeared so to whom it concerns i want to transfer the house from creative to h742 (12x14 at same ground level) waiting yr confirmation
  3. C

    Denied quotation for transfer

    Sorry to bother.. maybe i resell the house at major price, so i'll buy a new property soon.. (i hope)
  4. C

    Denied quotation for transfer

    ok, i'm packing last stuffs..
  5. C

    Denied quotation for transfer

    Ok... btw, how can i know when movement is done? i've to pack the last things and would see someone ingame..
  6. C

    new property in the world..

    asked in properly section of forum
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    Denied quotation for transfer

    I would ask (as i'm a beginner here, have not too much money!!!) for a quotation about this movement: Username: Cybericurs Creative plot: mine /plot visit Cybericus City plot you want the build moved to: h742 I also asked to a moderator ingame if was possible to enlarge the plot adding the...
  8. C

    new property in the world..

    rebuilt a property in creative, 12x14 as fits in my property in world how much it will cost to transfer in my plot in world?
  9. C

    sf solar panel..

    you're right.. i did put the energy regulator in middle of the house, and now the panel on the edge (house il 12x14, so it's small).. value is increasing as sun comes up and don't have any fuel in coal generator...
  10. C

    sf solar panel..

    can't try in other locations, only have this house..
  11. C

    sf solar panel..

    no, there is nothing above, and F3 make me see light:15, 15 block now i'm working with coal generators but are expensive to mantain active..
  12. C

    sf solar panel..

    adding also that with coal generator not still at zero, but it works..
  13. C

    sf solar panel..

    I've put a solar panel and a capacitor near the "energy regulator" but it's still at zero, it only changes (to negative) if i put some machinery near (but doesn't produce) Username:Cybericus What you were doing before this occurred: placing pieces as done before on other servers.. What you've...
  14. C

    new property in the world..

    rebuilding the property XD
  15. C

    new property in the world..

    bought an house finally.. 125k$ for a plot (20x20 ca)
  16. C

    new property in the world..

    i just wonder (due to lack of money and being slowly to gain) if is possible to buy an empty land to build an house instead of buying an existing one.. is it possibile?
  17. C

    Re-Add Dynmap

    it would be a great idea adding a dynmap to see all clearly... approved!!!
  18. C

    Hi to every1!!

    I'm an italian AFoL mc player, fan of redstone and expecially for slimefun plugin.. playing online on this server since a couple of days as i found it searching for sf plugin.. and i found this awesome world!! looking (but haven't searched on forum) for some global map to giggling around...
  19. C


    Im going always to produce a lot everytime i connect.. gaining money by conversion into gravel.. btw, how much do you offer instead?