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  1. Khanqas

    Completed Creative -> City

    Username: khanqas Creative plot: /plot tp 11 City plot you want the build moved to: h7
  2. Khanqas

    Completed Creative -> City

    I said to transfer the house in surrounded by light blue wool... not the red.. can you swtch it please??
  3. Khanqas

    Completed Creative -> City

    Username: khanqas Creative plot: /plot tp 8 (the one surrounded in light blue wool) City plot you want the build moved to: gorgetown-3
  4. Khanqas

    Creative -> City

    Username: khanqas Creative plot: /plot tp 7 (the one surrounded in purple wool) City plot you want the build moved to: amh3
  5. Khanqas

    Transfer city -> creative

    Would I also be able to get the basement hallowed out all the way to bedrock? That'd be great, thanks!
  6. Khanqas

    Transfer city -> creative

    Username: khanqas City plot: gorgetown-3 Creative plot: /plot tp 8 just put it in the purple wool
  7. Khanqas

    Completed Arch to h323

  8. Khanqas

    Completed Transfer Request

    Yes, t'is true
  9. Khanqas

    Case Closed Court Case Against multiple people.

    @CreeperCJG You might want to check to see if there were any other previous owners.. This does not seem right.
  10. Khanqas

    Case Closed Court Case Against multiple people.

    I just looked through the screens and this is most definitely my old shop! Lol. Good try bud.
  11. Khanqas

    Case Closed Court Case Against multiple people.

    If this is my old nmall shop then I had nothing to do with this robbery. I have no recollection of EVER robbing a mall shop! Please do not accuse me of such things. I want more proof please. Because I sold my own nmall shop not too long ago to someone. So I would like proof that this player has...
  12. Khanqas

    Completed Transfer from Arch to jbm3

    its the one on the right when you first tp there
  13. Khanqas

    Been Good Guys

  14. Khanqas

    Selling Captain Island

    My soul
  15. Khanqas

    CANADIANS gone wild

    Oh.. we know trust me. We wish we could save our fellow neighbors.
  16. Khanqas

    CANADIANS gone wild

  17. Khanqas

    CANADIANS gone wild

    *Eats poutine while reading this post*
  18. Khanqas

    Completed jbm3 to Arch Plot

    it's my /plot home 10 Thankyou
  19. Khanqas


  20. Khanqas

    Accepted Arch App ~ Khan

    1. What is your username? khanqas 2. What is your server rank? Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? Yes, Khanqas#1470 4. What builds would you like to submit? plot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5. Why do you want to be an architect? I am very passionate about building, Very interested how different...