So.. recently me and my bro got 5mill and we are looking for any property's!!
We will be looking for any islands, apartments, houses,mansions, plots!! Please get in contact with me on the game or on the forums!!
Username: ChChris1065
What you were doing before this occurred: so i was just helping people with enchantments and stuff for money when @TheDeadlyVenom ask for some /scroll things!! so i did that and gave her the stuff and got another set for my own BUT i used my sword on @OfficialK and it...
we had a trade were i give him my 20x45 skyscraper and he gives me his small apt building and 300k!
so we had just finshed tradeing the houses when i said too him 'can i have the money know' and he said 'i think its fine'. i gave him 4 warning to pay up and he didnt so i had to write this...