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  1. Cozmicraft

    do something yall

    I have an idea. Taxes. Maybe everything you buy/sell at the shop would be taxed. Now, nothing excessive obviously, as none of us want a blocky version of the Boston tea party. A 10-15% tax on the shop would encourage more player to player trade, while still permitting economic growth...
  2. Cozmicraft

    do something yall

    Thank goodness. They're great ideas, but, to be honest, I'm scared. I feel like the server is in a predicament, and the last thing I want is for us to lose the rest of our players.
  3. Cozmicraft

    do something yall

    We don't want a fixed pie for the economy. We want the economy to grow, but at the moment the growth is out of control. In real life, it's cool if everyone becomes super rich, but on the server, it destroys the economy. Again, however, we need money flowing in no matter what. With a fixed...
  4. Cozmicraft

    do something yall

    NO REMOVAL OR ECO WIPES, PLEASE. One of the things I love about McCities is the lack of resets. We keep our hard work, unlike *COUGH COUGH FACTIONS COUGH SKYBLOCK*. An eco wipe would suck for all of us, and a money wipe would leave all but a few people with 20 plots broke. It wouldn't help...
  5. Cozmicraft

    Seoul? Cool! I've been there before, it's a really nice city. I'm in Fukuoka, Japan right...

    Seoul? Cool! I've been there before, it's a really nice city. I'm in Fukuoka, Japan right now, which is as close to South Korea as it gets in Japan :D
  6. Cozmicraft

    It's a meme

    It's a meme
  7. Cozmicraft

    do something yall

    I agree completely. Real estate and mythicdrops are where essentially all of the wealth on the server is concentrated. It, like you said, is highly problematic for people who want to make money off of something else. At the moment, there is just TOO MUCH money in the system. Not just cash...
  8. Cozmicraft

    Case Closed Suing ICanRekYouez for the wasting of countless players time, hit-and-run style assaults, murders, and repeatedly mocking players.

    @ItzJazzMade A player report is for rule breaking. He's not breaking rules, he's inconveniencing players. This is an ongoing problem, and so I do not have evidence yet. However, we are taking screenshots and videos whenever possible to post.
  9. Cozmicraft

    Case Closed Suing ICanRekYouez for the wasting of countless players time, hit-and-run style assaults, murders, and repeatedly mocking players.

    He's an enormous waste of time and effort, and the last person we need ruing the current turmoil of the server.
  10. Cozmicraft I say enough.
  11. Cozmicraft

    Case Closed Suing ICanRekYouez for the wasting of countless players time, hit-and-run style assaults, murders, and repeatedly mocking players.

    This is to be a long-term court case against Icanrekyouez, in order to attain either 1: A cease and desist order for constant attacks harassing players at the bank. 2: Compensation for the damage done to our armor and the money we have dropped 3: Compensation for the hours of time wasted So...
  12. Cozmicraft

    Have you seen Donald the Trump Train?

    Have you seen Donald the Trump Train?
  13. Cozmicraft

    Oh crap that sounded creepy

    Oh crap that sounded creepy
  14. Cozmicraft

    Where are you?

    Where are you?
  15. Cozmicraft

    /plot chat in City world?

    Yeah, a party chat would suffice. The one issue that I have is that party chat feels a bit too Hypixel-like, and it doesn't quite feel right for a city server (Though this is also the server with magic and teleportation) I like the idea of them lasting a finite amount of time because the last...
  16. Cozmicraft

    I just spent 3 hours on a plane, then 4 at an airport, then 14 more on a plane, then 3 more at...

    I just spent 3 hours on a plane, then 4 at an airport, then 14 more on a plane, then 3 more at an airport, then 2 more on a plane. I am now in Japan, but I am so tired that my brain cannot process visual information and determine that I have reached my destination.
  17. Cozmicraft

    /plot chat in City world?

    I'm against any type of chat modification other than color or /silence being a perk. Otherwise, it won't affect the majority of players. Nibble's a good programmer, I'm sure he could figure something out with /plot chat if a plugin doesn't already exist.
  18. Cozmicraft

    /plot chat in City world?

    @TheDiamondTiger I see what you mean, and would like to compliment you on your counterarguments, as I believe they are very well thought out. Do excuse my snarky grammar policing, I just spent a total of 30 hours non-stop flying, driving and sitting at airports. My mood is not the best at the...
  19. Cozmicraft

    /plot chat in City world?

    @CreeperCJG I love the idea, because /local just doesn't always work. @TheDiamondTiger, I respectfully disagree with your opinions. "I don't think you understand the critical difference between the plot world and the city world." Please don't start off a counterargument with a belittling...
  20. Cozmicraft

    Expectations Vs Reality Suggestions Box! (ft.Peggy) || @Lauren

    Being the president! Being the prime minister! Being staff! Being in a position of power! Being a friend!