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  1. Izzie

    Creative Transfer #3

    Charged 7k
  2. Izzie

    Creative Transfer

    completed, charged 7k
  3. Izzie

    Denied City to Creative Transfer

    you dont own this house?
  4. Izzie

    City to Creative

  5. Izzie

    Bludmansion-2 Transfer (Arch Cp42)

    Denied, as it doesnt fit in with the surroundings. (Island owner asks you to build more windows!)
  6. Izzie

    Completed Twansfwer

    charged 7k
  7. Izzie

    Completed transfer

    Completed charged 16k
  8. Izzie

    Won’t be on until tomorrow afternoon (GBT). I left my laptop at home

    Won’t be on until tomorrow afternoon (GBT). I left my laptop at home
  9. Izzie

    Accepted Arch Application!- gracieful

  10. Izzie

    Completed Transfer Request

    charged 12k to iisaraii who agreed to pay
  11. Izzie

    Completed Transfer Request

    Charged 15k
  12. Izzie

    Denied A100 mansion transfer

    no need to make 2. this is owned by another player too.
  13. Izzie

    Completed savanna-3 transfer

    charged 10k
  14. Izzie

    Denied ANOTHER transfer request

    this can be pasted if u still want it
  15. Izzie

    Denied Transfer Request

    any username changes? these plots wont let me tp
  16. Izzie

    Hello how are you

    Hello how are you
  17. Izzie

    Selling Skulls Dealer V2

    dont bump old threads