Umm school is like once a week, and vice president barely does anything, on the other hand managing 2 not 1 but 2 islands along with being staff and arch is a whole other story. Im not saying sundae cant do it but knight has alot more time and less responsibilty then sundae.
Time management wont help that much in this case. Example: Ever since Sundae became arch i have made 3 attempts to hire her but the answer was basically her being too busy. Imagine being rep or runnerboro
These are some strong opinions, if thats how highly you think of bunny why bother with Runnerboro. Unless its a conflict of interest of course? Also all the situations on the police you are talking abt is Leanne's job to handle not his.
Do you believe that Sundae can put in as much effort into Runnerboro while being a mod, architect and also owner of bunny island? I do believe sundae would be an amazing choice but i just dont see how she can match with someone who has more time on their hands. Also what i meant by conflict...
Ok, so I haven't seen this thread somehow xD But from what I saw and read so far I would like to say something. The problem in the government wasn't that we didn't like Gabriel. Ill explain my experience of what it was like, so basically as the former Alderman aka governor I had a great time in...
1) LavaFlake
2) Coords: X: 5765 Y: 64 Z: -753
The plot has CobbleStone Borders.
Can you name it Tahiti please. Also details on how we will naturalize the plot are in the private conversation we made with you.
Thanks :D