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  1. Bellaa

    THrow Backs and Yesterday

    Everyone hating on how they look! Me: GODD DAMMM WHO SI THAT HAWTIEE DARKEMERALDXD!!
  2. Bellaa

    THrow Backs and Yesterday

  3. Bellaa

    Emerald Mountain Biking Event!

    Multi Tool I Changed To Multi Tool V!
  4. Bellaa

    Emerald Mountain Biking Event!

    Hello Friends! yes, as the title reads i will be doing a mountain biking event called "Emerald Mountain Biking Event!" Basically what's gonna happen is on April 3rd At 12 Pm pacific timezone, please translate that into your timezone. Here is The Application To Apply To Be A Biker...
  5. Bellaa

    ya see i want pancakes.. but i dont feel like cooking. Cri ;-;

    ya see i want pancakes.. but i dont feel like cooking. Cri ;-;
  6. Bellaa

    Denied Lenard_McCoy's Teacher Application

    good luck! being a teacher is very fun :3
  7. Bellaa


    ILYSM!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  8. Bellaa


    Super sad your going but as long as u do whats best for u bb <3
  9. Bellaa


    Omg That would be so cool if there were phones! i don't think you should have to buy a phone number but defiantly for it to have calling and texting wold definitely make it a super cool feature! i think that would be a awesome feature!! Good Idea :3 {Edit} I've been on a server where there...
  10. Bellaa

    guys i got my ICE CREAM

    guys i got my ICE CREAM
  11. Bellaa

    I used to Think u were a bot cause ur name CP= Computer, 42= 42 CP42= Computer42 xD

    I used to Think u were a bot cause ur name CP= Computer, 42= 42 CP42= Computer42 xD
  12. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    Fly Fishing is a thing its a type of fishing, and a flying fish is a thing its a fish but like it doesnt actually fly it just has weird wind thinsga nd glides throught eh air xD
  13. Bellaa

    I want Pie D:

    I want Pie D:
  14. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    True! xD Truee!!n xD
  15. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    Nope! just having fun :3
  16. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    :> dont question my posts :> :> :3 xD
  17. Bellaa

    SoMe MeMeS tO lIgHtEn De MoOoOdDdD!!

  18. Bellaa

    SoMe MeMeS tO lIgHtEn De MoOoOdDdD!!

    Memes. Ok Im DoNe!! HaVe A Gr8 DaY!!!
  19. Bellaa

    WhAt IfFfF??!!

    WhAt If fIsH cOuLd AcTuAlLy FlY??!!! Not Flying Fish like Fish With Bird Wings...