Search results

  1. Izzie

    Completed Transfer Request

    Completed charged 20k
  2. Izzie

    Denied NinjaGaming23 from creative to city plot

    This plot doesnt seem to fit with plot rules. Denied
  3. Izzie

    Denied Transfer from creative to city

    This build does not fit with plot rules. Denied
  4. Izzie

    LaurLife || 30 Day Challenge!!!

    This is a nice idea, but like Turkey said it will create a lot of spam.
  5. Izzie

    Denied Creative Transfer to City Plot

    We are no longer regioning apartments in the city, it states this on the format post. Sorry and thank you. Denied
  6. Izzie

    Completed Transfer request.

    Completed and charged 11k
  7. Izzie

    Realu's 69 Day Challenge!!!!

    I love naritoe
  8. Izzie

    Denied Transfer Request

    The plot doesnt seem to fit with the area, I suggest hiring an architect or rebuilding it. Denied, sorry
  9. Izzie

    Completed Transfer request.

    Would you mind putting a plot border around it? I dont know what is part of the plot, thank you
  10. Izzie

    Denied Transfer request

    I think the plot there is much nicer than the one you're replacing it with. Your build doesnt seem to fit with the surrounding area, denied.
  11. Izzie

    Completed Creative Transfer

    Completed, if i missed anything please tell me.
  12. Izzie

    Denied Creative Transfer to City Plot

    Are you wanting this to be an apartment building?
  13. Izzie

    Denied Transferring Building

    Hi Kimmie, i understand this is the first time youve made one of these posts so its okay that you got the format wrong, please do the correct format in the future! I feel like this plot doesnt really fit with surrounding plots, and doesnt really look that attractive. I recommend hiring an arch...
  14. Izzie


  15. Izzie

    this is a quote from phantom of the opera i am not upset

    this is a quote from phantom of the opera i am not upset
  16. Izzie

    Denied Kawaiinoodles house transfer

    we dont region apartments in the city anymore, sorry and thank you. Please check the format next time as this information is there.
  17. Izzie

    i deserve to be followed im so cool

    i deserve to be followed im so cool