Search results

  1. Wolfloverlol

    Stolen horse

    @laggynab its not there anymore i checked last night when i was told it was there. thats why i made this case. and staff if i dont get the horse back i would like a minimum of $10,000 plus a saddle in return if i don't get the horse back in the time staff will allow to get the horse back to me.
  2. Wolfloverlol

    Denied AfraidAF's Teacher App

  3. Wolfloverlol

    Stolen horse

  4. Wolfloverlol

    Denied AfraidAF's Teacher App

    My ign is AfraidAF The subject i want to teach is: P.E. i would do running around the gym, i would do this like an irl gym class, I would also be willing to do things students suggest with a vote for some of the options they pick with the majority that say something like "me" or "count me in"...
  5. Wolfloverlol

    Stolen horse

    1. Who are you accusing? @WraithAF 2. What are your claims/accusations? WraithAF stole my horse and even admitted it in a msg and on discord he said on discord the horse was put in a79 that is for resell i went there and it wasn't there, then later on he said it was all a joke, and i also asked...
  6. Wolfloverlol

    Selling Auctioning off Nmall-18

    I Am auctioning nmall-18 starting bid is 20K either reply here with your bid or /mail send AfraidAF in game your bid BIDS END ON SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10TH 2019 AT 2 PM EST
  7. Wolfloverlol

    January POTM

    I nominate @MirroredAbyss
  8. Wolfloverlol

    MagicalSheep247's Arch App

    good luck!!!
  9. Wolfloverlol

    ok, On wednesday this week for me the wind chill is going to be -40, that's COLD... and that's a...

    ok, On wednesday this week for me the wind chill is going to be -40, that's COLD... and that's a school day ...
  10. Wolfloverlol

    AfraidAF creative to Survival

  11. Wolfloverlol

    Where is the bh plots located?

    Ok and the build is complete and waiting to be transferred the transfer request is already posted
  12. Wolfloverlol

    Where is the bh plots located?

    Ok, thanks, and is it able to be regioned for apartments? because i was going to use my plot i have there bh9 as a hotel/motel but i can still run it without it being regioned its just going to include more things to get a player a room, i am fine with it not being regioned, but i would have to...
  13. Wolfloverlol

    Where is the bh plots located?

    I did that command it is said golden oaks i even did that for a plot on runnerboro it said the same thing as bh9 did.. but i wont be online until 3:30 PM EST as i am in school until 3:00 pm EST
  14. Wolfloverlol

    we are NOT going to put that kind of money on a car with nothing at all, so we are going to keep...

    we are NOT going to put that kind of money on a car with nothing at all, so we are going to keep the car and when i get my own repair shop im going to rebuild the engine with all new parts that look like they need replaced. which will be in about 4 years when i get my own car repair shop : D
  15. Wolfloverlol

    ugh i had a 2 hour delay today for school the windchill is why it was -20 for the windchill smh...

    ugh i had a 2 hour delay today for school the windchill is why it was -20 for the windchill smh, when i went outside for the bus stop it was -12 windchill, and SMH my dads 19 year old car is burning oil, im in charge of checking the oil once or twice a week and adding the oil back thats needed...
  16. Wolfloverlol

    I have to go do some educational stuff I will try to be back before 21st of February, see you soon.

    We will miss you!!!!! @laggynab my main account was 8x17 aka WolfFam1 aka TheRandomGamwr, but i had to change accounts to my alt for my main account now and the username is my forums name AfraidAF. We will Miss you!!!!! good luck with life until you return! oh and in the title it says your...
  17. Wolfloverlol

    Book too large.

    it happened to me 5+ times in 3 days before when i only had 7 pages completed. but i didnt even worry about those books, because i was just writing them for fun.
  18. Wolfloverlol

    Where is the bh plots located?

    I have tried asking several people on the server where the bh plots are located, and i have been told, bunny island, cayman, newcity, golden oaks, and others. For example plot bh9.