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  1. Marshmallowsmalk

    Update Update log - 9/11/17

    OOOO YASSS SF TREES SHALL NOT GRIEF ME NO LONGER And yay, no more chest griefing
  2. Marshmallowsmalk

    Update Update log - 9/11/17

  3. Marshmallowsmalk

    Selling MarshVille2

    I'll bid 320k
  4. Marshmallowsmalk

    Selling MarshVille2

    Bc I'm awesome BUT I WANNA BUY, GIMME
  5. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bc I can and I wanna get rid of some of my plots xD

    Bc I can and I wanna get rid of some of my plots xD
  6. Marshmallowsmalk

    Completed Transfer

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk Creative Plot: 31;-2 Survival plot: h324 The correct information is on the plot, it's a beach type house, just in case I messed up here... It's been previously transferred but the build has been taken down... Thanks :D
  7. Marshmallowsmalk


    WEW GIME YOUR EYES OMG Tbh you have longer lashes than I do XD
  8. Marshmallowsmalk

    face reveal?

    No, internet safety guys -.-
  9. Marshmallowsmalk

    Selling MarshVille Houses

    Ermm did you mean to sell it to someone else? I didn't buy it...
  10. Marshmallowsmalk

    Changing Elite color?

    Tbh this should be it, it's honestly way too alike and I just get so confused ;-;
  11. Marshmallowsmalk

    University Chat

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk What you were doing before this occurred: What you've lost (Only if you lost something): I went to university, and me being me, started talking in global bc I forgot about the university chat rules and whatnot, I then realised that I was talking in global although that...
  12. Marshmallowsmalk

    Completed Regioning request

    Username: Marshmallowsmalk Plot to be regioned: H127 All apts to be regioned for $250 10 apts in total Please only region the area within the walls, ixclue the windows and walls, thank you :D
  13. Marshmallowsmalk

    Selling Scroll Dealer

    Can I reserve a wither and a darkness? My IGN is Marshmallowsmalk XD
  14. Marshmallowsmalk


    You can also get plots from auto sale, just ask in game for anyone selling plots
  15. Marshmallowsmalk

    Protect PurpleTurkey

    Ew turkey is gross, Turkey is gr8 Difference
  16. Marshmallowsmalk

    Greetings :3

  17. Marshmallowsmalk

    Protect PurpleTurkey

    #savetheturkey #TurkeyLivesMatterButAllBirdsLivesMatter
  18. Marshmallowsmalk

    Congrattzzz XD

    Congrattzzz XD
  19. Marshmallowsmalk

    Auto enchanter becoming something weird?

    Ngl, I thought it was supposed to happen and I ignored my auto-enchanter.... oops?