City plot: h609
Creative plot: /plot home 2 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 2
Brief description its the cyan clayes house with Stone Bricks and quartz.
It has 2 floors above ground a rooftop, and basements are listed in order
Sf room
Giant chest room with 312 double chests and in the middle of the chest room is a rainbow colored trampoline
Bathroom, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, office room. (Inside the Kitchen is another elevator)
Elevator in kitchen
Make sure to get the whole plot since, the redstone i inputed some of them are in the edges/walls of the builds.
Thanks, hopefully could be transferred by Friday if it could!
City plot: h609
Creative plot: /plot home 2 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 2
Brief description its the cyan clayes house with Stone Bricks and quartz.
It has 2 floors above ground a rooftop, and basements are listed in order
Sf room
Giant chest room with 312 double chests and in the middle of the chest room is a rainbow colored trampoline
Bathroom, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, office room. (Inside the Kitchen is another elevator)
Elevator in kitchen
Make sure to get the whole plot since, the redstone i inputed some of them are in the edges/walls of the builds.
Thanks, hopefully could be transferred by Friday if it could!