Recent content by Devilducks

  1. Devilducks

    creative to city

    Username: devilducks Creative plot: creative 1 (-34;36) City plot you want the build moved to: h125
  2. Devilducks

    Transfer request- creative to city

    Username: DevilDucks Creative plot: Creative plot 1 (-34;36) City plot you want the build moved to: Medplot-5 Disregard the red around the building, that is just showing me how big the plot was.
  3. Devilducks

    Transfer Request Creative-City

    Username: DevilDucks Creative plot: Creative plot 1 (-34;36) City plot you want the build moved to: medplot-5 In my creative plot, there is a red square around the building, please disregard that. that is only there so i know how big the plot was in the city. There is also a house already...
  4. Devilducks

    Transfer request- creative to survival

    **its 1 creative;-34;36-devilducks
  5. Devilducks

    Transfer request- creative to survival

    Username: DevilDucks Creative plot: (im not sure what plot but on the sign where it says my name it says ID -34;36 City plot you want the build moved to: H370 INFO** there is red blocks surrounding the creative home, please do not copy that into the new place. that is just the plots size.**