Recent content by ToxicTony_

  1. T

    Were Back... RoyalDev's.... TEAMFIERCE

    TeamFierce If your a long time player of MCCITIES you probably new the RoyalDevs... They have been gone. They split up... And a new age of developing rose. With 1.8 there's a lot to be done... NEW TEAM, NEW PLAYERS, NEW YEAR, NEW AGE. #TEAMFIERCE
  2. T

    Were Back... RoyalDev's.... TEAMFIERCE

    TeamFierce If your a long time player of MCCITIES you probably new the RoyalDevs... They have been gone. They split up... And a new age of developing rose. With 1.8 there's a lot to be done... NEW TEAM, NEW PLAYERS, NEW YEAR, NEW AGE. #TEAMFIERCE
  3. T

    Some useful Suggestions

    Actually it's not a bad Idea for a jet-pack, I could code one in through Crack Shot.
  4. T

    Hey everyone

    Welcome! :)
  5. T


  6. T


    I want to know how I used creative for my own good, and He was the one insulting me I have screen shots! I can prove it! He cant! I know you prob think I'm the lire because I'm new and a lower rank, believe what you want but I me Typical and Titov will be the only ones who know the truth.
  7. T


    ummmm You never told me How I was using creative for myself, Your the one who called me child (I have screenshots).
  8. T


    Heres another Kicking for no reason!
  9. T


    Hello Im ToxicTony_, I've been having many problems with Coban. He does not deserve Co-Owner Reasons 1. Total Downer 2. Not Helpfull 3. Took away Gamemode and World Edit from me for no reason 4.Abuses powers ^^^ 5. Demoting For no Reason! Please Demote Him Or Tell him to stop messing...
  10. T

    Mods don't have WorldEdit???

    I have just been promoted to mod today, before that I was builder and had WorldEdit, Can any staff give Mods WorldEdit or Put Me Back At Builder Please? My IGN is: ToxicTony_ Thank you!
  11. T

    Hello Everyone, I'm ToxicTony_!

    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Hello Everyone. My Minecraft name is ToxicTony_. I've been playing MC for2 years. I am really glad I found McCities. I've owned 5 servers and one is still up today. I am...