Denied MadRhapsody's Secretary app

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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
What is your in game name?

What is your rank on the server?

What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school)
I am in CET, but I hope that as a secretary I can help planning school and events behind the scenes, (as most classes are given at 12am my time... bit late) and then help around with the school in the weekends.

Why do you want to become a secretary*?
I want to become more involved with the community in a positive matter. I was a teacher in the past, but thanks to timezones teaching is very hard, even tho I loved that job! I hope as a secretary I can still help around with the school. I personally love more roleplay on cities, as roleplay and events are what make the server fresh and interesting. I really want to help around with the school and just do what you need me to do!

What do you want to teach? Include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied. (Minecraft or McCities related topics only, as those are most pertinent to our students)
Even tho I'm not applying for teacher, I could always help around in the other roleplay locations inside the school (Counsler, Gym, ComputerLab, Librarian, Canteen)

How would you handle a situation if a student wasn't behaving in class?
As the rules state, give them a verbal warning first. It does depends on what the student is exactly doing, but if it's just talking I would give them another warning before sending them to the office. If someone is running around class, taking others books etc. After one warning I would immediatly send them away to the office and give them some nice homework exercises ;)

Do you have an account for discord? (This is required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
Yes, (if you don't know it already,) JazzGotBlues#2820

This was it for my application, I'm trying to play more regulary, and if I get to do something as fun as being a secretary for the school I think my /ar time would go up wayy to fast :)

The only question I have is if school will finally be planned in? Like a schedule for the comming 2 weeks or so. This way I can more easily try to be online at those times and other teachers too. In the past it was just waiting for a Principal or VP to come online with 4 teachers online at the same time too.

Hope you will take me into consideration! :D
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