Selling Obsidiangalaxy Selling willi-1 - A tall, architect built building on Runnerboro, possible to be regioned


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Somewhere on earth
Hi, I'm Alex_the_cool_11 in game, the owner and founder of Aloha Real Estate. I will anounce willi-1 for sale

Region name: willi-1
Price: 650k
Seller: Obsidiangalaxy
Plot size: 29x22 blocks
Location: In the central part of Runnerboro Island (an exotic Island :D). There are scyscrapers and there is a green, nice park beside
Building: A scyscraper with 11 stories, 3 basements and space on the roof. It's modern, and of high quality, cause it's built by the senior architect sundae22. It can be used as an apartment building potentially. The stories consist of spacy rooms and hallways, and a lobby on the first floor. One of the basements is a pool area, the other one is private space, the third one is a race track!!!
Profits of the plot: Big plot, in the central parts of Runnerboro, tall scyscraper, built by a Sr. Architect (who is competent in building), potentially can be regioned (apartments can be added so that they can be rented).

If you have any questions, please Contact me (Alex_the_cool_11) either on forums, in game or on discord (I'm Alex_the_cool_11 on discord).

Images of the building:

Willi-1 Front.png
willi-1 lobby.png
willi-1 Hallway.png
willi-1 one of the many rooms.png
willi-1 park beside.png
willi-1 on the roof.png
willi-1 rally track.png
willi-1 pool area.png