Regarding the TP Killer. . .


Staff member
Aug 1, 2017
Hi, I'm Rep. I've been helping out with finding alts that the infamous tp killer owns. If you don't know about the tp killer, basically its someone who was banned and started coming on alts, tp killing, impersonating people and staff, cheating/x-raying, and being toxic. Their discord names are "D3rpySpoderman" (NOT the one in the community, the tp killer made a discord impersonating him) "OOFDADDY" and "Trumpet." I've been catching him in the act and have tracked him multiple times. He is still coming on with alts, and my message is that you should IGNORE HIM no matter what. It is usually tourists that go to the wild a lot, ask some questions, and are generally fishy. Of course, help them out, as we are NOT sure that it is always him (of course) but please do be cautioned and look for signs. He is conceited and has traits of a narcissist, and believes he is smarter than everyone. If you would like to help me out in finding and recording alts that he comes on, message me on discord @ Batman#0708 . Remember, don't give him attention and fuel the flames. He thrives on attention and will eventually stop if he isn't given attention.