Robert's Architect Application

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Robert DeVries

Sep 11, 2019
1. What is your username?
Zero_Industria, at your service.

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)
Citizen, with over 3 days, 16 hours, and 30 minutes of play time.

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)
I do indeed, it is Robert DeVries#4224.

4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
All four of my creative plots:
23:41, -1:13, -17:32, and -17:27.

"House of Red"
My first creative build on the server. I had a lot of fun making this one; it's stylized as a late 19th century rustic mansion with slight modernization upgrades (fridge and garage mostly). The theme of the house is predominately red, with many of the carpets and banners being this color, in slight reference to the House of Capulet from the William Shakespeare play "Romeo and Juliet". Originally the colors of house Capulet are shades of orange, but I felt that orange didn't quite fit the house. Around the back of the house you'll find a small pond at the roots of a tree with red and blue flowers, referencing Romeo and Juliet themselves. Inside you'll also find a reference to Tybalt - another member of the Capulet clan - in the form of a skull on a pedestal.

"Agadtz Media Company"
This build was by far the one I had the most fun with, the one I sunk the most time into, and the one I'm most tired of. The Agadtz Media Company building is a retro-modern office building with five floors (and several secret basements), featuring 1920's style Art Deco architecture with modern coloring and design. I attempted to put in as many realistic details when constructing it as I could, including fire escapes, exit signs, security cameras, and more. Inside you'll be able to see clear distinctions between workers desks; some will show signs of working too hard, being organized, or just not working at all. The workers up on the administration floor clearly work doubly hard in order to impress their bosses, who are in very close proximity. Up on the top of the building, you'll notice four vents pointing in opposite directions. While the pipes themselves act as structural support for the large and heavy building, their main purpose is to cool what lies underground.
The Agadtz Media Company is, in reality, a farce. A facade put up by some nefarious organization looking to do some illegal experimentation with nuclear reactor technology. Be neath the office building you'll find two small reactor cores being maintained by a vast array of computers and (presumably) personnel complete with simulated Cherenkov radiation glow (that blue-green glow you see being emitted by many reactor cores in photos).

"Modern Home"
This build was very interesting to me, and I learned a lot when making it. I'm quite happy with the result, and I look forward to doing another one of these builds, perhaps for a customer on the server. At first the home was overwhelmingly white, but towards the end I decided to throw in a little red and it really sparked the place up, in my opinion saving the build from being a drab block. The building has two floors and one basement, featuring a two-tier swimming pool, steam room, two balconies, den, lounge, game room, theater, office, tennis court, and even a secret club room behind the painting in the game room. All-in-all this is definitely one of my favorites.

There isn't too much to talk about this build in particular, it was mainly to act as a demonstration of my landscaping abilities. I'm quite pleased with it, though I was disappointed by the number of large trees that spawned from the saplings, I had originally planned to dwarf the other trees with the hand-built ones instead of being dwarfed by the other trees. I do enjoy landscaping, but I find it much easier with worldedit (who doesn't?).

5. Why do you want to be an architect?
Several reasons. Firstly, I enjoy building and I'd like to tackle larger builds, which I feel are only reasonable to undertake with worldedit or voxelsniper. I'm looking to also eventually move into a larger building, preferably on my own plot, and in order to do that I need to make much more money than I am currently. Finally, I'd like to contribute to the server. I greatly enjoy the people here, and I appreciate them, I'd like to give back.

6. How would you contribute to community projects?
Generally, through construction. Specifically, I have a desire to construct a nuclear power plant, just because I've noticed a distinct lack of properly designed nuclear power plants on the server, and I happen to know a thing or two about them. I've also caught wind of opportunities in island building, which I'm interested in taking advantage of.

Thank you for taking the time to review this application and I really hope you enjoyed exploring the builds as much as I did making them. I look forward to working as an architect on the server.

Yours truly,
~Robert DeVries, Director of the Department of Energy and Technology, and Executive to the Akkalah Unitary State
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