Accepted Teacher Application


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Teacher Application Format

1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)?
2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken)
I prefer : Potion making classes (potions in general) , Survival (how to survive in minecraft xD) , farming / agriculture , social studies but anything i will do!
3. What is you rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)
4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
1st Verbal Warning 2nd Verbal again and tell what they are doing wrong 3rd Principle / Vice is contacted
5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
Yes : MagicXero#7897
6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
Australian Eastern Timezone
7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
Well i've been a teacher before and teaching is a dream for me doing it really is fun and i want to help people / students learn things which they didn't know before , and giving tips about McCites and how things are done like how levelling works on the server . I was a teacher before Heather resigned and when she left (which was horrible) i was waiting for someone new to 'step up' so i could continue! that's why i've tried to get the position now :D overall i love teaching and helping people so that's why i think i would be perfect for the job!
8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.
Of course i will put my swords away rn! And when school isn't

Thank you Elf , Turkey and Marie for becoming Principles , i've waited along time for this moment and good luck to other people trying for the job :)
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
Thanks for applying! You will be the potions teacher ( ;) )! I will send you the information to our discord shortly.
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