Recent content by TheCrookedDoctor

  1. TheCrookedDoctor

    Thank you very Much Kiri <3

    Thank you very Much Kiri <3
  2. TheCrookedDoctor

    Made new skin just for my re-play on McCities <3

    Made new skin just for my re-play on McCities <3
  3. TheCrookedDoctor


    Hey guys, not exactly sure if I am remebered, but I used to play here for like 2 months before I cut MC altogether, but I am back now, and for those of you who didn't get to know me: へ(゜∇、°)へ I am more or less a psychopath, (kek) and I am pretty sure I have a few mental issues, (to lazy to go...
  4. TheCrookedDoctor

    Could I request an admin's help on here please? I have misspelled my name during registration...

    Could I request an admin's help on here please? I have misspelled my name during registration, could you change it to "TheCrookedDoctor"
  5. TheCrookedDoctor

    That awkward moment when you misspell your name on forum Registration.... "ThrCrookedDoctor"

    That awkward moment when you misspell your name on forum Registration.... "ThrCrookedDoctor"