
New Member
Oct 26, 2016
Hey guys, not exactly sure if I am remebered, but I used to play here for like 2 months before I cut MC altogether, but I am back now, and for those of you who didn't get to know me: へ(゜∇、°)へ

I am more or less a psychopath, (kek) and I am pretty sure I have a few mental issues, (to lazy to go find out)

Sometimes I act older then My age, and then sometimes I act like a little 8 year old with a Big-ass vocabulary.

I am obsessed with anime (like most things my age) and Vocoloid (sometimes) specifically I am interested in Attack on titan, and Free!. (free is cus my sis likes it, Levi Is bea) ANd like 40808457 other animes that I dare not annoy you with :3.

I love to talk about anyone but myself because I fear if anyone got inside my wittle head, they would bleed from there eyes (/●◔∀◐●)/

Overall I would consider myself fun... I mean, Super crazy and murderous makes a great moe.
but I will leave that up to you.

Proceed friendship with caution (⑅∫°ਊ°)∫
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