Resignation Leter No. 2


Active Member
~* Hello friends and players! This post has been long awaited from myself, but I’ve tried to hold on to my last straws which clearly I’ve lost! Aha no worries, they’re just under my bed c;

On a more serious note, I have resigned from the position of a Senior Moderator on this fine server. I have had so much fun with you all over the past 8 months I’ve worked here, and made so many good friends such as @Ciel and @Heather, but enough is enough and that’s final for me.

~* Because so many past staff have made on of these, I thought I should too. As others have stated, staff is not for everyone. You really need to have patience (sometimes with certain people c; more than others) with people and need to definitely be willing to learn and not take the constructive criticism as “hate” and staff “being rude” towards you.

~* Now the staff themselves, they have been such great friends to me, making me feel welcome, sharing some fun times and laughs with me, everything people would want. But of course, with all the fun there is to be had, there is also more unwanted things to be had. People don’t always see it, but staff can be quite odd at times. People don’t always seem the way the look, now I’m not going to call names here, but sometimes things don’t get done around here that desperately need to be done, cough cough.. And other times, people's attitudes can be quite uninviting and very rude, again cough cough..

~* On a brighter note, things have been fun and good and I’ve enjoyed my time here. I’d ask that the staff please work on their attitudes towards working for things and actually punish people when they do wrong, that’d really help y'all out.

~* Farewell to you all, I will come back from time to time to visit and say hello, but for the most part, I’ll be on other servers starting new adventures with friends and new people. If you have any more questions about my experience as a staff member, feel free to start a conversation with me here, I’d love to tell more!

~ Your friendly, ex Sr.Mod, Kate

P.S. I’ll miss you all a lot!
*Starts to cry* Kate!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!! I will miss you!!!!!! Let me join you on your adventures please!!!!!!!!! Wahhhh! Who's gonna keep me in check now?! Boo-hoo :(
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
I'm usually on hypixel and mineplex and I think you have my skype somewhere, I'm always open :p
:D I love hypixel too, miilk Davi fvhn and I are friends, tho miilk and I hate it when Davi haxs lmao

Jk, but I will miss u a tonnn!!! Farewell D:


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
:D I love hypixel too, miilk Davi fvhn and I are friends, tho miilk and I hate it when Davi haxs lmao

Jk, but I will miss u a tonnn!!! Farewell D:
She dosent hack lol, shes just good at pvp in bedwars. We play a lot when we are free. Mostly me, fvhn and Davi. Abd sometimes snow,tammy,leanne and joey. Sometimes with gervais and others etc....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2016
a dark room somewhere
*Starts to cry* Kate!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!! I will miss you!!!!!! Let me join you on your adventures please!!!!!!!!! Wahhhh! Who's gonna keep me in check now?! Boo-hoo :(
Don't worry, I'll be on sometimes as well, I'm not fully quitting the server ;)
:D I love hypixel too, miilk Davi fvhn and I are friends, tho miilk and I hate it when Davi haxs lmao

Jk, but I will miss u a tonnn!!! Farewell D:
Farewell! I'll be on sometimes, and I'd love to play bedwars with y'all sometime ;)


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Corny joke time.
Kid: grandpa I didn't know you were a frog
Grandpa: what do you mean?
Kid: my dad said when you croak we be rich!
Ahhhh Josh ur gonna wanna make me attend my own funeral D: xD
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