_Poseidon__ : Build school


Jun 7, 2015
Hi guys, gals and everything in between. Lets chat!

The Idea:
I have had an idea for a while, a build school. I get a lot of people asking me for advice on the shape, materials and the look in general. I was thinking about maybe beginning a way to teach or display the ins and outs of building in an effective way. I am not saying I am the best person to do this, I'm not saying I'm the best at building but I am saying it is the only thing I'm good at.

The Possible Routes:

These are the potential ways that how I could go about doing this.

Museum / Gallery: A place to show displays of different styles, the history of certain architecture through the ages. This could also house an architect profile with short summaries about what architects specialize in, what they prefer building and the potential pricing systems they have (similar to some architects posts on the forums). The galleries or museums could perhaps have guides to show you around, unsure how this would work.

Tutorials/classes: This category is split into three potential parts. This is a way of teaching the actual building techniques & strategy:

a) School classes which show could show the potential styles of buildings and what's appropriate in each build. perhaps the styles of builds and the history ( could have full classes of up to 10 people at a time)

b) Tutorials will be more practical and personal. They will maybe have 2/3 pupils at any one time on the architect's plot to learn by being shown how to place certain blocks/shapes and the reasoning for doing so

c) 'Let's build' sessions - These would be sessions where any number of people can come to watch an architect build. They can maybe have a chat open for text typing or maybe a call on discord and listening to them explaining the build as they go. This could be a communal thing and they could take advice and suggestions from the audience (also maybe a bit of fun)

One to one sessions: This is a way for players to be able to hire an architect to teach them ways to improve their builds or point them in a certain direction. This is a cheaper alternative to outright hiring an architect to build something for you

Your input:

In order to achieve this, I will need to collaborate with other architects to greatly expand the potentials of each section ( I myself would probably not be able to teach you as much about Victorian or Gothic building style as another architect might). This project is also something that will benefit greatly from the community. There is no point in m doing all of this if it is not going to be well received by you folks, so I ask you this :

- Do you think this is a good Idea?

- Would you use this?

- Is this something worth paying for, or more of a fun activity. (basically, should this be an independent company/academy or should it be a service I should present to staff to be a City Official event/programme?

- Which of the ideas laid out above are most appealing to you?

- Do you have any Ideas to improve this idea?

Architects - Is this something you would be interested in helping with, let me know on discord!

I am open to any and all criticism, love, hate or ideas. I want to hear what you all have in mind! Please complete these 5 questions above and post your replies below! No matter how new or old you are on the server! Thank you so much

Love from
Your Friendly neighborhood Ocean God


Any questions and queries? Forward them to me here Poseidon#9552


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
I think it's an awesome idea! A museum of Architecture would be incredible and probably funded by staff.

The classes could be hosted by Archs themself and could cost a set amount per type of class. Archs would like get a monthly target to hold 3 classes of either a b c type. (Maybe have thr A class count for 2)

and if you spread the word that people are always welcome to watch while you build my guess is that they will definitly be interested

so again great idea and I would defenitly use it!
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jun 12, 2018
I don’t see anything wrong with this idea! I love the suggestion!
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