Apple Store.


Cyber Bullied
Dec 7, 2016
Please read the whole post before eating salt and commenting....

Hey guys! Its me PedoBear6969!! And Today I want to welcome everyone to the new apple store!

Here at apple we like Burning sidewalks, Especially since it can kill/hurt our annoying customers!
And, It saves us from spending our valued money on lights! Because the fire can cast a scary glow across the whole store!

Here at apple we have to feed our slav- I mean employees somehow. So we implemented our own food system! Which looks like a ghetto garden.

At apple we are very innovated, We like to let our employees sleep at our store, so they can serv- I mean work crazy shifts!
But since practical, clean homes were too expensive.... We put a brown brick with windows instead.

It also costs too much to repair our store from damages! So we just make do and cover it up!

Here at apple we are too lazy to pick up garbage from when the priso- I mean store was built! We just move the materials too the back of the store, where they intoxicate our ghetto farm!

Hey guys! This was a JOKE! Shout out to apple for providing smart watches!
I made this because I was bored... I apologize if anyone takes offense to this.