

New Member
Jul 12, 2017
Hello! This is a bit long-over due, I have been playing for a few months now, but better late than never ey? Well, first off, I am an aspiring civil engineer/architect irl, I use MineCraft to help bring ideas to life and also because I just enjoy the game so much. I am a bit of a hot head these days, I am quick to stand up for myself and for those I call friends, as well as those I believe are being treated wrongly. This readiness to stick up for myself and others seems to have caused some to dislike me here I suppose, and I am sorry to say, I cannot apologize for not taking anything from nobody. I am sometimes a little too vocal about my opinions, and that I do apologize for in advance! I also do my very best to follow server rules, and to enforce them when I believe it is necessary. I have been part of the staff team on several servers that are now all dead, all the way up to Admin on a server, though I don't necessarily count that as a staff experience as it was a new server and fairly unprofessional. Counting more proper titles and servers I have been staff on, the highest staff rank I have held is Senior Moderator. A title with which I gave my opinion on staff applications and also trained new staff members that were accepted. I am not too sure what else to say, this is the first time I have ever done a post like this XD Well, anyway, I am DragorSlayer99, you can call me Dragor, it is nice to meet you all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Welcome to the forums! We hope you enjoy your stay! The shoutbox is to your left and your profile to the right! Please contact the front desk staff members with any questions or concerns!
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