Every rumor starts somewhere...so where did the ones about the staff start?


Well-Known Member
Before I start, this post is not an attack on Kiri or any other members of the staff. I do not intend do perpetuate any negative rumors about the aforementioned parties, nor do I harbor any personal grudges against them. This is an objective observation from an individual with a genuine question, and as such any attempt at deletion of this account or post will simply inflame tensions, a mutually negative situation.

My post seeks the answer to a simple question: Why is it that there are so many people with their forum or server accounts banned for things such as "Server disrespect?" I understand that this is a genuine reason for a ban, but this is happening at a far greater rate than what I have seen on other servers. Why do I hear so much about "Calling staff out on their BS" and "Staff corruption?" These are not just random insults thrown by desperate players; these are legitimate accusations, and yet from what I've noticed, they've been addressed with nothing but more crackdowns, bans, and mutes. Thus, it stands to reason that something is causing these players to launch these diatribes, assuming that McCities players don't have an inherent quality that makes them more conspiratorial.

So what is it that's doing this? I trust the staff team to do what's best for cities. However, at the same time, one cannot deny that these accusations are not sporadic and that they all hit a similar note. Is there something beneath the surface that most players are unaware of? While I thoroughly doubt the claims, there is an uncanny feel to them that I can't quite shake. Rumors are often exaggerated and taken out of context, but they do not appear spontaneously. If there truly is a reason for this, please reveal it, and if there's not, make that very clear in a public statement.

If there's anything that I missed or am misunderstanding, please notify me. I will concede that I'm not particularly well-read regarding forum posts.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
Before I start, this post is not an attack on Kiri or any other members of the staff. I do not intend do perpetuate any negative rumors about the aforementioned parties, nor do I harbor any personal grudges against them. This is an objective observation from an individual with a genuine question, and as such any attempt at deletion of this account or post will simply inflame tensions, a mutually negative situation.

My post seeks the answer to a simple question: Why is it that there are so many people with their forum or server accounts banned for things such as "Server disrespect?" I understand that this is a genuine reason for a ban, but this is happening at a far greater rate than what I have seen on other servers. Why do I hear so much about "Calling staff out on their BS" and "Staff corruption?" These are not just random insults thrown by desperate players; these are legitimate accusations, and yet from what I've noticed, they've been addressed with nothing but more crackdowns, bans, and mutes. Thus, it stands to reason that something is causing these players to launch these diatribes, assuming that McCities players don't have an inherent quality that makes them more conspiratorial.

So what is it that's doing this? I trust the staff team to do what's best for cities. However, at the same time, one cannot deny that these accusations are not sporadic and that they all hit a similar note. Is there something beneath the surface that most players are unaware of? While I thoroughly doubt the claims, there is an uncanny feel to them that I can't quite shake. Rumors are often exaggerated and taken out of context, but they do not appear spontaneously. If there truly is a reason for this, please reveal it, and if there's not, make that very clear in a public statement.

If there's anything that I missed or am misunderstanding, please notify me. I will concede that I'm not particularly well-read regarding forum posts.
Bold of you to ask this on the forums lol


Interesting post and I think you have raised some questions/concerns that deserved to be answered. First, I'm not sure if you are aware Kiri is not the owner anymore, Faheem is. I know there has been some negative things spread around by Kiri, but I worked with him 6+ months, and I didn't see any negative actions he made. However, I did find that many former upper staff were toxic and rude to Kiri.

Why is it that there are so many people with their forum or server accounts banned for things such as "Server disrespect?

I don't think many players actually have been banned under this rule. I could only name 1-3 that I know of since I have been staff, and these cases are blatant disrespect. I have been staff for almost 8 months now, and I have not seen one instance of any "corruption", or that staff has some evil plot underneath. If that was true I would have already called it out.

These are not just random insults thrown by desperate players; these are legitimate accusations, and yet from what I've noticed, they've been addressed with nothing but more crackdowns, bans, and mutes. Thus, it stands to reason that something is causing these players to launch these diatribes, assuming that McCities players don't have an inherent quality that makes them more conspiratorial.

Looking over the players who have been banned for this I have not seen any players muted or banned for expressing their concerns on staff.

Is there something beneath the surface that most players are unaware of? While I thoroughly doubt the claims, there is an uncanny feel to them that I can't quite shake. Rumors are often exaggerated and taken out of context, but they do not appear spontaneously. If there truly is a reason for this, please reveal it, and if there's not, make that very clear in a public statement.

There is nothing players are no aware of. The staff team works great together.


Well-Known Member
Interesting post and I think you have raised some questions/concerns that deserved to be answered. First, I'm not sure if you are aware Kiri is not the owner anymore, Faheem is. I know there has been some negative things spread around by Kiri, but I worked with him 6+ months, and I didn't see any negative actions he made. However, I did find that many former upper staff were toxic and rude to Kiri.

Why is it that there are so many people with their forum or server accounts banned for things such as "Server disrespect?

I don't think many players actually have been banned under this rule. I could only name 1-3 that I know of since I have been staff, and these cases are blatant disrespect. I have been staff for almost 8 months now, and I have not seen one instance of any "corruption", or that staff has some evil plot underneath. If that was true I would have already called it out.

These are not just random insults thrown by desperate players; these are legitimate accusations, and yet from what I've noticed, they've been addressed with nothing but more crackdowns, bans, and mutes. Thus, it stands to reason that something is causing these players to launch these diatribes, assuming that McCities players don't have an inherent quality that makes them more conspiratorial.

Looking over the players who have been banned for this I have not seen any players muted or banned for expressing their concerns on staff.

Is there something beneath the surface that most players are unaware of? While I thoroughly doubt the claims, there is an uncanny feel to them that I can't quite shake. Rumors are often exaggerated and taken out of context, but they do not appear spontaneously. If there truly is a reason for this, please reveal it, and if there's not, make that very clear in a public statement.

There is nothing players are no aware of. The staff team works great together.

Perhaps "Legitimate accusations" was the wrong way to put it. I think that "Not trolling" would fit better, apologies for the odd wording.

That aside, however, why were so many individuals rude to Kiri? This is my concern, as just recently an individual was banned for what he claimed to be "Calling Kiri out on his BS." When people start complaining about the staff to this degree, it makes me both feel bad for them and wonder, "Why are so many people complaining?" This happens quite often on the server, whether it be met with a warning, a ban, or fall on deaf ears. I just haven't noticed that it happens as often on other servers (Though again, I could be dead wrong on this and simply be manufacturing an issue)


Perhaps "Legitimate accusations" was the wrong way to put it. I think that "Not trolling" would fit better, apologies for the odd wording.

That aside, however, why were so many individuals rude to Kiri? This is my concern, as just recently an individual was banned for what he claimed to be "Calling Kiri out on his BS." When people start complaining about the staff to this degree, it makes me both feel bad for them and wonder, "Why are so many people complaining?" This happens quite often on the server, whether it be met with a warning, a ban, or fall on deaf ears. I just haven't noticed that it happens as often on other servers (Though again, I could be dead wrong on this and simply be manufacturing an issue)
I'm not sure who the player is you're talking about so I cant really speak to that. Some players are just very toxic, which is not good for the community in general, and are just rude. Our current staff team is great and I have seen no reason for concern. Rarely a player will get banned under the server disrespect rule.


Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
Pretty simple, really:

People don't like to blame themselves for their mistake. Sure, I'm certain there are mixed cases where I was in the wrong as I don't make the correct choices for every instances, but more often than not, there are players coming on seeing that I resigned thinking it's an opportunity to lie & be unbanned while also making it out as if they didn't do anything wrong.

To be fair, I am pretty blunt with players I have banned previously and have been pretty firm on usually not giving them second chances if they don't seem to have reflected on anything hence the hatred.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
Many on the staff members on here are 1. unpaid and 2. underage/immature. It's not a "real" position so there's not really any accountability as it's a minecraft server so staff bias is a lot more apparent. I do think it has gotten better since Leanne has left and staff, for better or worse, has become less active.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Also wanting to add is that people hold a lot of grudges towards Staff and especially Nibble. Some of those people decide to spread rumors about the server and set people up against The staffteam.

It's not really a huge amount of players that 1. fall for these rumors. 2. get banned for these rumors though. As trump proved

Honestly at one point I was also confused by these rumors but If you know the history you will see that most people who spread these rumors and are banned for doing so are players that have a personal feud with either 1 of the staff or (most likely) nibble.

I am talking from my own experience here, but as someone who played this server for almost 2 years
No this is not some IP dealing, Money taking, false banning dictatorship server that deals in childrens souls. xd

If there are any rumors be sure to ask staff directly. They can explain the sitations in private on the specific rumor. I wish I had done that way earlier :/ because those rumors if you believe them or not still influence your behaviour around those people the rumors are about.
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Many on the staff members on here are 1. unpaid and 2. underage/immature. It's not a "real" position so there's not really any accountability as it's a minecraft server so staff bias is a lot more apparent. I do think it has gotten better since Leanne has left and staff, for better or worse, has become less active.
These people are chosen by someone who's goal it is to run this server as smoothly as possible. These players almost always have a good rep on the server. They are trained / guided by sr staff and had to apply for the job. Staff is also granted special privaleges like /nick and /fly.

So this half baked accusation on the credibility of the staffteam is not really based on facts, more on your own experience with staff.

My tip, start on a positive note with people.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
These people are chosen by someone who's goal it is to run this server as smoothly as possible. These players almost always have a good rep on the server. They are trained / guided by sr staff and had to apply for the job. Staff is also granted special privaleges like /nick and /fly.

So this half baked accusation on the credibility of the staffteam is not really based on facts, more on your own experience with staff.

My tip, start on a positive note with people.
this isnt exclusive to staff, it's in general. it's a minecraft server run by people who have nothing to keep stuff in check. of course there is going to be a little bias here and there, not saying specifically or that it's happening anymore tho.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
I love all our staff so much cus they are sooo awesome. Idk what you think is up but from my experience, these staff are some of the best people out there. They are awesome at their job and extremely fair.
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I mean no staff team is perfect but the stuff brought up by the people of past are against the previous staff members if anything so. Lets just hope its better now than before I guess.
Pengy, I have been waiting to tell you this but yes there is an evil staff plot! I heard frosty and Mabel are taking over the server.