Frequently Asked Questions

I am asked the same questions by different people quite often and I'm sure that its the same for other staff members, so I gathered the questions I am asked the most along with there answers.

Q: Can you make me staff?

A: No, and we are not currently accepting staff.
Can I have X amount of money?

A: No staff does not freely give out money, try /jobs browse, or make a shop if you need money.
Q: Player Killed me in the wild, Can I get my stuff back?

A: No, kills in the wild are allowed.
Q: Can you build me a house/plot?

A: Find a plot and ask a architect to build you a house, but be ready to pay.
Q: Can you build me a house for free?

A: No
Q: Can you region something in the wild for me?

A: No regions are not allowed in the wild unless its inside wild-town.
My friend removed me from a there region can you readd me?

A: No it's there region, they own it.
Player is being mean ban them!

A: No being mean is not a bannable offense.
Player is hacking!

A: If you believe a player hacking send a report on the site and let any online staff know.
Q: How do I get down from the plane?

A: Do /warp city, you can also do /warp , to get a list warps.
Q: Where is the cops and robbers game?

A: There is no cops and robbers game.


Q: What kind of server is this?

A: This is a City and economy server.

(All the questions I could think of ATM, think of anymore feel free to add)
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Reactions: jk1119 and Ghibli_


And in the honorable mentions I would put:

A: how do I get down of the plane?

Q: do /warp city


A: Where is cops and robbers game?

Q: there's not a cops and robbers game

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Reactions: GameNinja-X


Then Gamninjax in the last question you should add the word :"roleplay "