Denied Hermione___'s Police Application!

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Nov 19, 2016
outer space ;3
User: Hermione___ (It's 3 underscores ;))
/ar time; 18 days, 12 hours, & 15 minutes
rank: I am Citizen.
Jail for; possession of drugs, murder, assault (3 hits with fist, 1+ hits with weapon), trespassing, and illegal guns.
Definition; Tp jailing is when a police officer teleports to a player nearby the criminal & jails them. It is highly forbidden on McCities & I know that I will never do it.
I know that police officers can use /getpos /duty & /invsee .
The bail for 1-5 kills/drugs is $500.00. If the criminal does not have the given amount, they will wait 5 minutes in jail until they are auto released.
I want to be a Police officer because I feel like that's the job that fits me best. I have never really been good at anything, but I know that I am good at seeing a fight when its going on. I would also like to be police because I feel like it's their job to protect all the players who roam on this wonderful server. I think I should be able to help them out with that, as best as I can, & what's to say, I can become on of them? It made my dreams grow so much when I heard I could apply for police if I wanted to. :) So I must do it now.

Thank you for reading my application,
Hermione___ :cooler:
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 25, 2016
Not user friendly.
Did not use the proper format/Did not use a section from the format.
Did not read the police guide.

Application denied.

Feel free to reapply next week!
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