

Active Member
Disclaimer: Staff can agree and disagree with me on this all they want I don't care if they do or don't I'm just expressing how I feel along with my idea.*
Greetings MC Cities my name's Mark. In Minecraft I owe a company called Safe Sector. Safe Sector is a company where I help keep villagers, animals, and players from the monsters. Well not keep them safe but help them stay safe. It's a growing company and I'm the only one in it. I warp to the wild and automatically be in the Safe Zone I thought "I know I can't change anything here but how cool would it be to help the players stay safe in the Wild. Maybe give them so items and or some food just like I do in single player with my Minecraft company Safe Sector. Oh well, it probably wouldn't work." Safe Sector also helps with bullying and stuff in Minecraft. Safe Sector isn't in real life just in Minecraft. Again staff can agree and disagree with me and jump on my case about this all they want I don't care. I'm just expressing how I feel along with my idea. I'm the only one in the Safe Sector company, its sad and creepy to see 1 person in the company they own with nobody else in it. I hope you read this and think and talk to me about it. Have a nice day or night.
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