Military is being added?!?!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Well some basic real world military stuff if you feel like importing it that most civilians probably don't know.

E = Enlisted
O = Officer
E1 is the lowest rank being private/seaman

MOS is specialty, for instance 31B is Military Police
The way it is set up;
For this server Battalion is probably the largest (unless a lot of people want to join)
Under battalion there are companies
Under companies there are platoons
Under platoons there are squads

Military Police do not "Kill on sight" in mainland bases and are very lenient.
When ever you enlist you are a private, privates are generally recruits so after basic training you'll probably be at least a Private First Class.

On every military base you will see 3 things-
Post Exchange

Barracks are your general military housing. Post exchange is pretty much like a mall and commissary, which is my favorite, is pretty much a grocery store. Military bases aren't "heavily guarded" as you would imagine, as I said, very lenient. In order to get on a military base, it requires a Military ID, which is handed out to soldiers and immediate family members. Under lots of circumstances however, they will allow civilians to enter bases.
The ranks are something anyone can Google, nothing much really.
The US Military consists of 5 branches - Army, Airforce, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines.
There are 2 main kind of soldiers -
Active duty and Reserves.
Active duty are what you would call your "Full-Time guys" and Reserves work Part-Time weekend employees however both can get deployed. There are also civilian jobs on military bases, anything from working at a Pizza restaurant to working on vehicles and contract work.

Basic Commands:
In the military you have what is called "Preparatory command" and "Command of execution."
Preparatory commands purpose is to prepare you for the command of execution.
For instance, If I am commanding a squad and I want them to march diagonally for whatever reason I would do the following;
"Squad, Attention"
squad being the preparatory command, Attention being the command of execution.
"Forward, March"
At this point my squad will being marching in a straight line, in order to make them march diagonally I would say;
"Half Right, March"
Once again notice how Half Right is the preparatory command, and March is the command of execution. It is also important to know that whatever command you say has to be called on that foot, for example if i say "Half Right" whenever I say "Right" your right foot needs to be ahead, whenever I say "March" your Right foot needs to be ahead. Also, it is important to know that you don't begin a movement until the command of execution is stated. Now I will begin to stop my squad.
"March Time, March"
At this time my squad will begin marching while standing in place, it is important that you call this command on your right foot. Your squad will march at the same pace, on the same foot.
"Squad, Halt"
At this time my squad will stop all movements and stand at attention. Now I will dismiss my squad;
"Left, Face"
At this time my squad will turn left, facing me. It is important that at all times I am on the left of my squad and that I am centered in the middle of my squad.
"Fall out"
At this time my squad will take 2 half steps backwards and turn, dismissing my squad"

That is one example, other commands that I think are possible in Minecraft are;
"Present, Arms" If you have a weapon you will hold it on the ground at the back of your heel. If you do not have a weapon, you will salute.
"Order, Arms" Once this command is called, you will stand at Attention.
"About, Face" Whenever this command is given, you will turn around after the execution of command. Do not call this command while marching.
"Rear, March" Call on right foot. Only call this command while marching.
"Right shoulder, Arms" Only call this command when you have a weapon, you will rest the weapon against your shoulder while your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle gripping the butt of the gun.
"Left Shoulder, Arms" Same thing as Right shoulder, except on your left shoulder. You must go to right shoulder first before executing this command.
"Stand at, Ease"
If you have a weapon, you should place it in front of you with your eyes at the "Front Site". If you do not have a weapon, you will place your hands folded behind your back with your fingers kinda interlocking.
"Eyes Right"
At this point you will look to the right however continue marching in the same direction.
"Dress Right, Dress"
When this command is called you will look right, with your left arm up touching the person to your left's shoulder, that person may need to move over some. This command is called to give you room. If you are on the far right of the squad, do not look right, look straight, however have your arm up. If you are on the far left of the squad, look right, however do not put your arm up.
"Ready, Front"
You will revert to your previous position, this command is called only when you are standing at Eyes Right and Dress Right, Dress.
"Double Time"
When this is called, you will run to wherever you are commanded to go to. Do not call this when you are marching.
"Double Time, March"
When this is called, you will walk briskly, faster than your regular marching speed, keeping up with each other is vital.
"Column Left, March"
When this is called you are already marching, and you will turn left at a 90 degree angle. Must say "Left" on your left foot, and "March" on your left foot.
"Column Right, March"
Similar to column left, however you will turn 90 degrees to the right and must say "Right" on your right foot and "March" on your right foot.
Generally called by a higher up for leaders to get into there position. Called at "Attention".
There's plenty more but I didn't feel like typing them as they probably aren't important to Minecraft.

Leadership ranks;
Every squad has a squad leader, Every platoon as a platoon leader, every company has a company commander, and every battalion has a battalion command. A squad leader out ranks everyone in the squad, a platoon leader outranks everyone in a platoon, and a company commander outranks everyone in a company, and a battalion commander outranks everyone in that battalion.
A squad has to have at least 2 members, if not you are marching an individual.
A platoon has to have at least 2 squads, otherwise it's just a squad
A company has to have at least 2 platoons otherwise its a just platoon
A battalion has to have at least 2 companies otherwise its just a company.
If your military is large enough, then you will get into things such as Brigade, Divison, Corps, and field army.
Also, corps is not pronounced "Corpes" like a dead person. It is pronounced as "Core".

Military terminology:
Some pretty basic military terms;
Jargon is pretty much slang
Mess hall is where you eat
PX is post exchange
WO is warrant officer
Bird/Birdie is helicopter
Commo/comms is communication
Meat wagon is ambulance

Basic training:
Basic training in real life lasts 3 months. During basic training you are inside a military base and it is very difficult. You do not have access to things such as internet etc and you have to wake up very early to do exercises and whatnot. It's definitely not the best thing in the world but will get your head in the game for what the future can hold.

Whenever you are in combat, unless its in your homeland, you are deployed. Whenever you are deployed, the military will generally have bases in said foreign land. In the military you have what is called a "Mission". No, your goal never to kill as many people as possible. For instance, Lets say you are in a war with an opposing army that has a bomb that you want to capture. Your mission will be to capture that bomb and try to limit casualties as much as possible while doing it. You will NEVER go into combat along.
Rule of thumb is you never want to be seen. Whenever you look at a battlefield you should not see a single soldier. Everything is pretty much based on surprise.
Do not abandon your troop. This one right here is a huge one. Doing so in real life could result in a life jail sentence. Do not leave into combat without permission. That is abandonment putting your entire mission on foreign land at risk.
Do not stand in lines in combat. Whenever you are walking do not stand close by, there should be reasonable space between you, sort of in a V shape if possible. This is to limit the probability of a single RPG or gernade from killing your entire team.
Do not kill civilians under any circumstances. Do not kill anyone who is unarmed unless your mission is to kill a particular person and you were given orders to. Kill only if your life is threatened.

This is more than 10,000 characters, read what i wrote in full on pastebin here
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Active Member
Well some basic real world military stuff if you feel like importing it that most civilians probably don't know.

E = Enlisted
O = Officer
E1 is the lowest rank being private/seaman

MOS is specialty, for instance 31B is Military Police
The way it is set up;
For this server Battalion is probably the largest (unless a lot of people want to join)
Under battalion there are companies
Under companies there are platoons
Under platoons there are squads

Military Police do not "Kill on sight" in mainland bases and are very lenient.
When ever you enlist you are a private, privates are generally recruits so after basic training you'll probably be at least a Private First Class.

On every military base you will see 3 things-
Post Exchange

Barracks are your general military housing. Post exchange is pretty much like a mall and commissary, which is my favorite, is pretty much a grocery store. Military bases aren't "heavily guarded" as you would imagine, as I said, very lenient. In order to get on a military base, it requires a Military ID, which is handed out to soldiers and immediate family members. Under lots of circumstances however, they will allow civilians to enter bases.
The ranks are something anyone can Google, nothing much really.
The US Military consists of 5 branches - Army, Airforce, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines.
There are 2 main kind of soldiers -
Active duty and Reserves.
Active duty are what you would call your "Full-Time guys" and Reserves work Part-Time weekend employees however both can get deployed. There are also civilian jobs on military bases, anything from working at a Pizza restaurant to working on vehicles and contract work.

Basic Commands:
In the military you have what is called "Preparatory command" and "Command of execution."
Preparatory commands purpose is to prepare you for the command of execution.
For instance, If I am commanding a squad and I want them to march diagonally for whatever reason I would do the following;
"Squad, Attention"
squad being the preparatory command, Attention being the command of execution.
"Forward, March"
At this point my squad will being marching in a straight line, in order to make them march diagonally I would say;
"Half Right, March"
Once again notice how Half Right is the preparatory command, and March is the command of execution. It is also important to know that whatever command you say has to be called on that foot, for example if i say "Half Right" whenever I say "Right" your right foot needs to be ahead, whenever I say "March" your Right foot needs to be ahead. Also, it is important to know that you don't begin a movement until the command of execution is stated. Now I will begin to stop my squad.
"March Time, March"
At this time my squad will begin marching while standing in place, it is important that you call this command on your right foot. Your squad will march at the same pace, on the same foot.
"Squad, Halt"
At this time my squad will stop all movements and stand at attention. Now I will dismiss my squad;
"Left, Face"
At this time my squad will turn left, facing me. It is important that at all times I am on the left of my squad and that I am centered in the middle of my squad.
"Fall out"
At this time my squad will take 2 half steps backwards and turn, dismissing my squad"

That is one example, other commands that I think are possible in Minecraft are;
"Present, Arms" If you have a weapon you will hold it on the ground at the back of your heel. If you do not have a weapon, you will salute.
"Order, Arms" Once this command is called, you will stand at Attention.
"About, Face" Whenever this command is given, you will turn around after the execution of command. Do not call this command while marching.
"Rear, March" Call on right foot. Only call this command while marching.
"Right shoulder, Arms" Only call this command when you have a weapon, you will rest the weapon against your shoulder while your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle gripping the butt of the gun.
"Left Shoulder, Arms" Same thing as Right shoulder, except on your left shoulder. You must go to right shoulder first before executing this command.
"Stand at, Ease"
If you have a weapon, you should place it in front of you with your eyes at the "Front Site". If you do not have a weapon, you will place your hands folded behind your back with your fingers kinda interlocking.
"Eyes Right"
At this point you will look to the right however continue marching in the same direction.
"Dress Right, Dress"
When this command is called you will look right, with your left arm up touching the person to your left's shoulder, that person may need to move over some. This command is called to give you room. If you are on the far right of the squad, do not look right, look straight, however have your arm up. If you are on the far left of the squad, look right, however do not put your arm up.
"Ready, Front"
You will revert to your previous position, this command is called only when you are standing at Eyes Right and Dress Right, Dress.
"Double Time"
When this is called, you will run to wherever you are commanded to go to. Do not call this when you are marching.
"Double Time, March"
When this is called, you will walk briskly, faster than your regular marching speed, keeping up with each other is vital.
"Column Left, March"
When this is called you are already marching, and you will turn left at a 90 degree angle. Must say "Left" on your left foot, and "March" on your left foot.
"Column Right, March"
Similar to column left, however you will turn 90 degrees to the right and must say "Right" on your right foot and "March" on your right foot.
Generally called by a higher up for leaders to get into there position. Called at "Attention".
There's plenty more but I didn't feel like typing them as they probably aren't important to Minecraft.

Leadership ranks;
Every squad has a squad leader, Every platoon as a platoon leader, every company has a company commander, and every battalion has a battalion command. A squad leader out ranks everyone in the squad, a platoon leader outranks everyone in a platoon, and a company commander outranks everyone in a company, and a battalion commander outranks everyone in that battalion.
A squad has to have at least 2 members, if not you are marching an individual.
A platoon has to have at least 2 squads, otherwise it's just a squad
A company has to have at least 2 platoons otherwise its a just platoon
A battalion has to have at least 2 companies otherwise its just a company.
If your military is large enough, then you will get into things such as Brigade, Divison, Corps, and field army.
Also, corps is not pronounced "Corpes" like a dead person. It is pronounced as "Core".

Military terminology:
Some pretty basic military terms;
Jargon is pretty much slang
Mess hall is where you eat
PX is post exchange
WO is warrant officer
Bird/Birdie is helicopter
Commo/comms is communication
Meat wagon is ambulance

Basic training:
Basic training in real life lasts 3 months. During basic training you are inside a military base and it is very difficult. You do not have access to things such as internet etc and you have to wake up very early to do exercises and whatnot. It's definitely not the best thing in the world but will get your head in the game for what the future can hold.

Whenever you are in combat, unless its in your homeland, you are deployed. Whenever you are deployed, the military will generally have bases in said foreign land. In the military you have what is called a "Mission". No, your goal never to kill as many people as possible. For instance, Lets say you are in a war with an opposing army that has a bomb that you want to capture. Your mission will be to capture that bomb and try to limit casualties as much as possible while doing it. You will NEVER go into combat along.
Rule of thumb is you never want to be seen. Whenever you look at a battlefield you should not see a single soldier. Everything is pretty much based on surprise.
Do not abandon your troop. This one right here is a huge one. Doing so in real life could result in a life jail sentence. Do not leave into combat without permission. That is abandonment putting your entire mission on foreign land at risk.
Do not stand in lines in combat. Whenever you are walking do not stand close by, there should be reasonable space between you, sort of in a V shape if possible. This is to limit the probability of a single RPG or gernade from killing your entire team.
Do not kill civilians under any circumstances. Do not kill anyone who is unarmed unless your mission is to kill a particular person and you were given orders to. Kill only if your life is threatened.

This is more than 10,000 characters, read what i wrote in full on pastebin here
What the heck?


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
Well some basic real world military stuff if you feel like importing it that most civilians probably don't know.

E = Enlisted
O = Officer
E1 is the lowest rank being private/seaman

MOS is specialty, for instance 31B is Military Police
The way it is set up;
For this server Battalion is probably the largest (unless a lot of people want to join)
Under battalion there are companies
Under companies there are platoons
Under platoons there are squads

Military Police do not "Kill on sight" in mainland bases and are very lenient.
When ever you enlist you are a private, privates are generally recruits so after basic training you'll probably be at least a Private First Class.

On every military base you will see 3 things-
Post Exchange

Barracks are your general military housing. Post exchange is pretty much like a mall and commissary, which is my favorite, is pretty much a grocery store. Military bases aren't "heavily guarded" as you would imagine, as I said, very lenient. In order to get on a military base, it requires a Military ID, which is handed out to soldiers and immediate family members. Under lots of circumstances however, they will allow civilians to enter bases.
The ranks are something anyone can Google, nothing much really.
The US Military consists of 5 branches - Army, Airforce, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines.
There are 2 main kind of soldiers -
Active duty and Reserves.
Active duty are what you would call your "Full-Time guys" and Reserves work Part-Time weekend employees however both can get deployed. There are also civilian jobs on military bases, anything from working at a Pizza restaurant to working on vehicles and contract work.

Basic Commands:
In the military you have what is called "Preparatory command" and "Command of execution."
Preparatory commands purpose is to prepare you for the command of execution.
For instance, If I am commanding a squad and I want them to march diagonally for whatever reason I would do the following;
"Squad, Attention"
squad being the preparatory command, Attention being the command of execution.
"Forward, March"
At this point my squad will being marching in a straight line, in order to make them march diagonally I would say;
"Half Right, March"
Once again notice how Half Right is the preparatory command, and March is the command of execution. It is also important to know that whatever command you say has to be called on that foot, for example if i say "Half Right" whenever I say "Right" your right foot needs to be ahead, whenever I say "March" your Right foot needs to be ahead. Also, it is important to know that you don't begin a movement until the command of execution is stated. Now I will begin to stop my squad.
"March Time, March"
At this time my squad will begin marching while standing in place, it is important that you call this command on your right foot. Your squad will march at the same pace, on the same foot.
"Squad, Halt"
At this time my squad will stop all movements and stand at attention. Now I will dismiss my squad;
"Left, Face"
At this time my squad will turn left, facing me. It is important that at all times I am on the left of my squad and that I am centered in the middle of my squad.
"Fall out"
At this time my squad will take 2 half steps backwards and turn, dismissing my squad"

That is one example, other commands that I think are possible in Minecraft are;
"Present, Arms" If you have a weapon you will hold it on the ground at the back of your heel. If you do not have a weapon, you will salute.
"Order, Arms" Once this command is called, you will stand at Attention.
"About, Face" Whenever this command is given, you will turn around after the execution of command. Do not call this command while marching.
"Rear, March" Call on right foot. Only call this command while marching.
"Right shoulder, Arms" Only call this command when you have a weapon, you will rest the weapon against your shoulder while your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle gripping the butt of the gun.
"Left Shoulder, Arms" Same thing as Right shoulder, except on your left shoulder. You must go to right shoulder first before executing this command.
"Stand at, Ease"
If you have a weapon, you should place it in front of you with your eyes at the "Front Site". If you do not have a weapon, you will place your hands folded behind your back with your fingers kinda interlocking.
"Eyes Right"
At this point you will look to the right however continue marching in the same direction.
"Dress Right, Dress"
When this command is called you will look right, with your left arm up touching the person to your left's shoulder, that person may need to move over some. This command is called to give you room. If you are on the far right of the squad, do not look right, look straight, however have your arm up. If you are on the far left of the squad, look right, however do not put your arm up.
"Ready, Front"
You will revert to your previous position, this command is called only when you are standing at Eyes Right and Dress Right, Dress.
"Double Time"
When this is called, you will run to wherever you are commanded to go to. Do not call this when you are marching.
"Double Time, March"
When this is called, you will walk briskly, faster than your regular marching speed, keeping up with each other is vital.
"Column Left, March"
When this is called you are already marching, and you will turn left at a 90 degree angle. Must say "Left" on your left foot, and "March" on your left foot.
"Column Right, March"
Similar to column left, however you will turn 90 degrees to the right and must say "Right" on your right foot and "March" on your right foot.
Generally called by a higher up for leaders to get into there position. Called at "Attention".
There's plenty more but I didn't feel like typing them as they probably aren't important to Minecraft.

Leadership ranks;
Every squad has a squad leader, Every platoon as a platoon leader, every company has a company commander, and every battalion has a battalion command. A squad leader out ranks everyone in the squad, a platoon leader outranks everyone in a platoon, and a company commander outranks everyone in a company, and a battalion commander outranks everyone in that battalion.
A squad has to have at least 2 members, if not you are marching an individual.
A platoon has to have at least 2 squads, otherwise it's just a squad
A company has to have at least 2 platoons otherwise its a just platoon
A battalion has to have at least 2 companies otherwise its just a company.
If your military is large enough, then you will get into things such as Brigade, Divison, Corps, and field army.
Also, corps is not pronounced "Corpes" like a dead person. It is pronounced as "Core".

Military terminology:
Some pretty basic military terms;
Jargon is pretty much slang
Mess hall is where you eat
PX is post exchange
WO is warrant officer
Bird/Birdie is helicopter
Commo/comms is communication
Meat wagon is ambulance

Basic training:
Basic training in real life lasts 3 months. During basic training you are inside a military base and it is very difficult. You do not have access to things such as internet etc and you have to wake up very early to do exercises and whatnot. It's definitely not the best thing in the world but will get your head in the game for what the future can hold.

Whenever you are in combat, unless its in your homeland, you are deployed. Whenever you are deployed, the military will generally have bases in said foreign land. In the military you have what is called a "Mission". No, your goal never to kill as many people as possible. For instance, Lets say you are in a war with an opposing army that has a bomb that you want to capture. Your mission will be to capture that bomb and try to limit casualties as much as possible while doing it. You will NEVER go into combat along.
Rule of thumb is you never want to be seen. Whenever you look at a battlefield you should not see a single soldier. Everything is pretty much based on surprise.
Do not abandon your troop. This one right here is a huge one. Doing so in real life could result in a life jail sentence. Do not leave into combat without permission. That is abandonment putting your entire mission on foreign land at risk.
Do not stand in lines in combat. Whenever you are walking do not stand close by, there should be reasonable space between you, sort of in a V shape if possible. This is to limit the probability of a single RPG or gernade from killing your entire team.
Do not kill civilians under any circumstances. Do not kill anyone who is unarmed unless your mission is to kill a particular person and you were given orders to. Kill only if your life is threatened.

This is more than 10,000 characters, read what i wrote in full on pastebin here
So detailed XD . This seems to complicated for me :p
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
So detailed XD . This seems to complicated for me :p
That isn't the half of it, just what a little caffeine allowed me to to do. The drills commands was actually a refresher as I don't deal with that stuff on a regular basis but I didn't post all of them and combat is as simple as I could put it. The Military terms I listed is also super nutshelled and I didn't go into detail with MOS and ranks, also the different branches and the differences between Active Duty and Reserve.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
That isn't the half of it, just what a little caffeine allowed me to to do. The drills commands was actually a refresher as I don't deal with that stuff on a regular basis but I didn't post all of them and combat is as simple as I could put it. The Military terms I listed is also super nutshelled and I didn't go into detail with MOS and ranks, also the different branches and the differences between Active Duty and Reserve.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
The Milky Way
Well some basic real world military stuff if you feel like importing it that most civilians probably don't know.

E = Enlisted
O = Officer
E1 is the lowest rank being private/seaman

MOS is specialty, for instance 31B is Military Police
The way it is set up;
For this server Battalion is probably the largest (unless a lot of people want to join)
Under battalion there are companies
Under companies there are platoons
Under platoons there are squads

Military Police do not "Kill on sight" in mainland bases and are very lenient.
When ever you enlist you are a private, privates are generally recruits so after basic training you'll probably be at least a Private First Class.

On every military base you will see 3 things-
Post Exchange

Barracks are your general military housing. Post exchange is pretty much like a mall and commissary, which is my favorite, is pretty much a grocery store. Military bases aren't "heavily guarded" as you would imagine, as I said, very lenient. In order to get on a military base, it requires a Military ID, which is handed out to soldiers and immediate family members. Under lots of circumstances however, they will allow civilians to enter bases.
The ranks are something anyone can Google, nothing much really.
The US Military consists of 5 branches - Army, Airforce, Coast Guard, Navy, Marines.
There are 2 main kind of soldiers -
Active duty and Reserves.
Active duty are what you would call your "Full-Time guys" and Reserves work Part-Time weekend employees however both can get deployed. There are also civilian jobs on military bases, anything from working at a Pizza restaurant to working on vehicles and contract work.

Basic Commands:
In the military you have what is called "Preparatory command" and "Command of execution."
Preparatory commands purpose is to prepare you for the command of execution.
For instance, If I am commanding a squad and I want them to march diagonally for whatever reason I would do the following;
"Squad, Attention"
squad being the preparatory command, Attention being the command of execution.
"Forward, March"
At this point my squad will being marching in a straight line, in order to make them march diagonally I would say;
"Half Right, March"
Once again notice how Half Right is the preparatory command, and March is the command of execution. It is also important to know that whatever command you say has to be called on that foot, for example if i say "Half Right" whenever I say "Right" your right foot needs to be ahead, whenever I say "March" your Right foot needs to be ahead. Also, it is important to know that you don't begin a movement until the command of execution is stated. Now I will begin to stop my squad.
"March Time, March"
At this time my squad will begin marching while standing in place, it is important that you call this command on your right foot. Your squad will march at the same pace, on the same foot.
"Squad, Halt"
At this time my squad will stop all movements and stand at attention. Now I will dismiss my squad;
"Left, Face"
At this time my squad will turn left, facing me. It is important that at all times I am on the left of my squad and that I am centered in the middle of my squad.
"Fall out"
At this time my squad will take 2 half steps backwards and turn, dismissing my squad"

That is one example, other commands that I think are possible in Minecraft are;
"Present, Arms" If you have a weapon you will hold it on the ground at the back of your heel. If you do not have a weapon, you will salute.
"Order, Arms" Once this command is called, you will stand at Attention.
"About, Face" Whenever this command is given, you will turn around after the execution of command. Do not call this command while marching.
"Rear, March" Call on right foot. Only call this command while marching.
"Right shoulder, Arms" Only call this command when you have a weapon, you will rest the weapon against your shoulder while your arm is bent at a 90 degree angle gripping the butt of the gun.
"Left Shoulder, Arms" Same thing as Right shoulder, except on your left shoulder. You must go to right shoulder first before executing this command.
"Stand at, Ease"
If you have a weapon, you should place it in front of you with your eyes at the "Front Site". If you do not have a weapon, you will place your hands folded behind your back with your fingers kinda interlocking.
"Eyes Right"
At this point you will look to the right however continue marching in the same direction.
"Dress Right, Dress"
When this command is called you will look right, with your left arm up touching the person to your left's shoulder, that person may need to move over some. This command is called to give you room. If you are on the far right of the squad, do not look right, look straight, however have your arm up. If you are on the far left of the squad, look right, however do not put your arm up.
"Ready, Front"
You will revert to your previous position, this command is called only when you are standing at Eyes Right and Dress Right, Dress.
"Double Time"
When this is called, you will run to wherever you are commanded to go to. Do not call this when you are marching.
"Double Time, March"
When this is called, you will walk briskly, faster than your regular marching speed, keeping up with each other is vital.
"Column Left, March"
When this is called you are already marching, and you will turn left at a 90 degree angle. Must say "Left" on your left foot, and "March" on your left foot.
"Column Right, March"
Similar to column left, however you will turn 90 degrees to the right and must say "Right" on your right foot and "March" on your right foot.
Generally called by a higher up for leaders to get into there position. Called at "Attention".
There's plenty more but I didn't feel like typing them as they probably aren't important to Minecraft.

Leadership ranks;
Every squad has a squad leader, Every platoon as a platoon leader, every company has a company commander, and every battalion has a battalion command. A squad leader out ranks everyone in the squad, a platoon leader outranks everyone in a platoon, and a company commander outranks everyone in a company, and a battalion commander outranks everyone in that battalion.
A squad has to have at least 2 members, if not you are marching an individual.
A platoon has to have at least 2 squads, otherwise it's just a squad
A company has to have at least 2 platoons otherwise its a just platoon
A battalion has to have at least 2 companies otherwise its just a company.
If your military is large enough, then you will get into things such as Brigade, Divison, Corps, and field army.
Also, corps is not pronounced "Corpes" like a dead person. It is pronounced as "Core".

Military terminology:
Some pretty basic military terms;
Jargon is pretty much slang
Mess hall is where you eat
PX is post exchange
WO is warrant officer
Bird/Birdie is helicopter
Commo/comms is communication
Meat wagon is ambulance

Basic training:
Basic training in real life lasts 3 months. During basic training you are inside a military base and it is very difficult. You do not have access to things such as internet etc and you have to wake up very early to do exercises and whatnot. It's definitely not the best thing in the world but will get your head in the game for what the future can hold.

Whenever you are in combat, unless its in your homeland, you are deployed. Whenever you are deployed, the military will generally have bases in said foreign land. In the military you have what is called a "Mission". No, your goal never to kill as many people as possible. For instance, Lets say you are in a war with an opposing army that has a bomb that you want to capture. Your mission will be to capture that bomb and try to limit casualties as much as possible while doing it. You will NEVER go into combat along.
Rule of thumb is you never want to be seen. Whenever you look at a battlefield you should not see a single soldier. Everything is pretty much based on surprise.
Do not abandon your troop. This one right here is a huge one. Doing so in real life could result in a life jail sentence. Do not leave into combat without permission. That is abandonment putting your entire mission on foreign land at risk.
Do not stand in lines in combat. Whenever you are walking do not stand close by, there should be reasonable space between you, sort of in a V shape if possible. This is to limit the probability of a single RPG or gernade from killing your entire team.
Do not kill civilians under any circumstances. Do not kill anyone who is unarmed unless your mission is to kill a particular person and you were given orders to. Kill only if your life is threatened.

This is more than 10,000 characters, read what i wrote in full on pastebin here
Alpha Tango Foxtrot. Copy that. (practicing my military speak)


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I honestly think the swat should be like vigilantes, but i already have my own private force so it might be fun to mess with the military
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