ndemrose1's runh16 Transfer Request II

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Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
On behalf of her permission, ndemrose1, I'm requesting a plot transfer.

To avoid future confusion and inconvenience, I also politely request that plot owners be notified of what "city standards" their buildings should follow. Arches spend a lot of time and effort into building for the community, and I presume I'm not the only one who doesn't get vexed by build holds on ambiguous grounds.

For instance, runh16 is a 12x13 plot landlocked by city streets with nothing but grass on neighboring plots. The land looks like a tiny spec of cheese surrounded by everything else.
Professional talk aside (as an arch what in the fiddlesticks am i supposed take away what the city standard is when theres nothing but empty plots next to it, and the whole plot is surrounded by skyscrapers lmao. So I decided to build something neat and colorful in hopes of setting the new city standard for the plots around it)

Other than that, all the necessary changes have been made to the building for transfer, so it looks very appropriate now imo.

Let me know if there are any further concern. Thanks

Username: ndemrose1
Creative Plot: OnePunchGrill’s arch home /plot home 8 ( it's easier to get to from my /plot home 7 , and it's the plot right left to the spawn of my /home 7)
Plot transferred to: runh16 (12x13 brick house w/ a birch door) + make transfer area ~20 blocks underground to for the basement
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