Accepted One Punch Grill's Arch. Application

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Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
Heya, OnePunchGrill here with my architect application :) thanks for your time.

Your current in game name:


Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team):


Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3):

All of them. 1-6
/plot home1 Suburban House
/plot home2 Spanish Villa
/plot home3 Modern House
/plot home4 Modern Condo
/plot home5 Battleship Yamato (shortened version due to size limitation)
/plot home6 Luftwaffe Ju-88 Bomber (my version, please don't get angry with me if it's not the same xD, if you're a nerd I guess you'll notice that I combined Ju-88 and the Dornier 17 together lel.

I also worked on h148 and h50, designed h149, and did bunch of other small exterior/interior touches on bunch of properties on the server.

Do you prefer interior or exterior design?:

I really like both, but if I had to choose I suppose exterior.

How much time do you tend to build each week?:

It varies from 2 to 10 on weekdays depending how busy I am that week with classes. But on weekends, I'm on the server for good 5-6 hours on weekends if I'm not dying from a hangover.

Tell us about your favorite building memory:

This is my second time applying as architect actually, and thinking back, my favorite building memory was my first time applying as arch. Back then, I was still trying to figure out the new depths and boundaries of design, which is basically fancy talk for trying to figure out what looks good together and what looks disgusting and should never be spawned again into reality. Heather was in charge of arch apps that the time, and even though she rejected my application, she commented that my builds were really impressive and encouraged me to keep working on my builds and reapply. Even though that was like a small thing, it was such a "senpai noticed me~" kind of moment, especially because on the other apps she just gave out one word responses. I guess she was really tired that week ^o^;;
I vowed to get even better at building and went into hiding, determined to be the best architect McCities has ever seen. I started taking odd build jobs for really cheap money; it was a good way to get my name out there and practice different builds all at the same time. It wasn't all easy though, I learned that there's more to minecraft than just building. See, what people don't tell you about building for people is that you've got to do more than just build: talk to clients, throw around ideas, and discuss payment. Then, you gotta be on schedule and finish on time. It was something more than a videogame and I guess it showed, because people thought I was superr professional xP except for times when I wasn't and late as hell LoL. But anywho, a lot has happened since then.
Heather's gone now, and I know she would've wanted me to go on :'/ haha, and a whole slew of new architects that I see everyday while I'm just messing around, which convinced me that I might as well apply again. Being an architect would just allow me to do the things that I've already been doing, but on a bigger scale and for the good of the entire server to enjoy, and that is what makes my favorite building memories in the end; watching people be so happy with what I built for them :) it's very rewarding. I have a lot of ideas that a normal player simply don't have access to but arches can. So, hopefully next time around, I'll continue to have more favorite building memories. Thanks again for your time staff team :)

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