Denied Petakamu Arch Application

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Jul 6, 2017
Your current in game name: Petakamu

Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): No I own a Mac sadly.

Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): /plot home 1, /plot home 3

Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: Exterior

How much time do you tend to build each week?: 20 Hours Summer, 8 - 10 hours school year

Tell us about your favorite building memory: When I first started playing Minecraft in 2011 I was so stoked for one thing and that was building the most amazing and legendary structures. The first thing I built was this small, crappy, ugly house made of spruce wood for the interior and exterior walls and nether rack for the floor and ceiling. I was in 3rd grade at the time and thought it looked super cool. I never deleted that world and it just sat there at the very bottom of my entire list. Time passed and then come 6th grade. By that time I was a better builder than almost every person that played Minecraft I knew in person and in game. Then I was working on a Huge modern house that took me a total of about two weeks to build on the server that I tried to start ( I was to young and didn't have enough money to host the server so the server never went on). That was my best build ever by far at the time and I was so amazed of how good it turned out to be when it was done. I was tired then and was a little bored of building so I went and started deleting all of my crappy single player worlds until I came upon the very first world I made in 2011. I went into to see what I built because I totally forgot and then I saw the house. The most amazing feeling came to me to see the progress that I had gone through. Although that old crappy laptop is now broken which contained all of my worlds I still remember that one crappy house that I built and how far I have come from there.


Please see your other application for my comment since I reviewed all of your plots up until now for that one.
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