Police application

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Nov 19, 2016
outer space ;3
User: Hermione___
/ar time: 16 days, 7 hrs, 30 mins
Rank: Citizen
Reasons to jail: 1; Trespassing, 2; murder, 3; assault (3 hits+), 4; Illegal guns (no gun license), 5; drugs.
Tp jailing is when you tp to a player near the criminal, and jail them. It is very seriously BAD & you could be banned for it.
Police commands; /invsee /duty /co i /getpos
Bail for 1-5 kills; $500
Police guide read: YES
I want to be police to help keep criminals limited in our wonderful city. It is good to be kind, because it is worth it. No one likes a bully, nor a criminal, nor do they like their city being hurt by criminals, & I want to help with that.
No, I do not believe I have a criminal record.
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