Police Application.

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Nov 27, 2016
Minecraft username: AyanTheAwesome

/ar time: 3 days 4 hours 35 minutes

What is your rank on the server? I am a Citizen

What are the 5 reasons to jail? Assault, Murder, Having an illegal weapon, and the possession of drugs

What is tp jailing and can you do it? Tp jailing is when you know who is a criminal and you tp to them to jail them. You can't do this as it is unfair and isn't role play.

Name some commands you know police can use. /duty , /invsee , /getpos (Hoping 3 examples is good! Haha)

What is the bail for 1-5 kills? What is the bail for 1-5 drugs? 1-5 kills is $500 and 1-5 drugs is $500

Did you read the Police Guide on the forums? Yes i have, and i understood all the rules etc.

Why do you want to be police? I want to become part of the police team to make this server more enjoyable for citizens. I want citizen's to know that they can walk out of there houses and be safe. Being safe is important. Police will also allow me to give back to the server's community.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, for what? I have been arrested once. For trespassing.
Nov 27, 2016
I posted my application again because there was no reply, to my previous application. I also changed my "/ar time", as it has changed.
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