Realtor Add-ons


Active Member
Jan 31, 2018
I forgot..... Sorry.......... :'C
The Realtor update was great and all, but I have some suggestions to make it op. @nibble
1. Selling
Only Realtors should have access to [re]selling plots.
There would be a feature in which the owner of the plot would ask the Realtor to Sell the plot for them, in which the Realtor would list the price, for example:
Realtor: "/as resell 1000" Owner: Do you confirm to sell {plot name} for 1000 do "/sell yes" or "/sell no"
Then the Realtor would advertise the Plot for a specified amount of money. Also, The Realtor would get xp from selling the plot to level up in the job.

2. Income
This can be a feature than can apply not only to Realtor but to any job.
The Owner of the plot would agree to pay the Realtor a specified percentage of the sale.
There would be a command such as: "/rpay {plot name} {percentage amount} The r stands for Realtor.
The owner of the plot would only be able to set the percentage once, so their is no scamming involved.

Tell me what you think in the comments!
Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Dude these are amazing ideas im currently a realtor but idk how to make cash with it


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
You make money by buying houses for players or just find them for them. You can ask your own prices but the better you are the more you can ask.

If you actually have to pay a realtor to sell your house the prices of houses will go up even faster as instead if asking 10k more for my house I now ask 20k more. Get me?

I feel like realtor should be personally paid by buyers not by sellers. I feel like if we make the job more serious we could have that you get a green R before your name at tab just like staff and archs.

Maybe add in that you can get rated and earn 1 rep for every good rating as an realtor :) and if you earned enough points you can apply on forums to get the prefix on tab.

Welp just my edit :)
Ahum @nibble nibnibs
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