Recent content by Cursed

  1. Cursed


  2. Cursed


  3. Cursed

    how to make the server better

    nah get some nukes in there
  4. Cursed


  5. Cursed

    Hey guys, I'm SilverStrike15! :]

    Welcome :D
  6. Cursed

    Completed City - Creative

    Username: CursedDevil2015 City plot: bh8 Creative: /plot h 6 Could you please paste the house on the creative plot anywhere? The house has basements but not sure on how many
  7. Cursed

    Completed h240 transfer

    Username: CursedDevil2015 Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: h240 The plot has 1 basement, and i added some more details so hopefully its better now. Thanks,
  8. Cursed

    Looking for server photos!

    are we allowed to use texture packs if they help? or not really
  9. Cursed

    Ltg_Flipper's Goodbye Post ;(

    bye, flipper hope you do well in life and i hope to see you one day
  10. Cursed

    Denied h240 Creative - Survival

    Username: CursedDevil2015 Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: h240 It's the house with spruce and quartz walls and the house has 1 basement, Thanks in advance
  11. Cursed

    Denied Cursed's Arch App

    thanks guys :D
  12. Cursed

    Well then lads.

    bye tango, i bet i'll still see u one day tbh
  13. Cursed

    Denied Cursed's Arch App

    1. What is your username? CursedDevil2015 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Citizen / Millionaire 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes, I can give if it's accepted because the name is fancy 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home...
  14. Cursed

    Selling Auction for e7

    Eh you did mention it but it was a tiny bit smaller .-.
  15. Cursed

    Selling Auction for e7

    i think people will start bidding when its near the end so that they get it xD