Recent content by Dwimmer

  1. Dwimmer

    Going inactive for a while

    Enjoy your time off, cya soon! :)
  2. Dwimmer


  3. Dwimmer

    In case you didn’t know:

    Good luck !
  4. Dwimmer

    In case you didn’t know:

    Yooo nugget!!! I’ve missed youuuu. I never realised silverstrike was you!
  5. Dwimmer


    Goodluck with your exams!
  6. Dwimmer

    Lovin this new website update!!

    Lovin this new website update!!
  7. Dwimmer

    Yooo nice!!

    Yooo nice!!
  8. Dwimmer

    Hey guys, Just Doing A Little Check Up Post

    It's great to hear from you! Glad to know that you're fast is going well! Looking forward to seeing you again. <3 :)
  9. Dwimmer

    I long for an mccities instagram or an mccitiee subreddit.

    Sounds like an interesting idea. I'll bring it up with staff.
  10. Dwimmer

    introducing heeihaaihoi

  11. Dwimmer

    I Am Making Good Progress IRL, Might Be Able To Join Back On In A Few Months

    Heyy that's great to hear! I hope everything has gone well. Can't wait to see you back online. :)
  12. Dwimmer


  13. Dwimmer

    Please take this consideration into account.

    I agree with u sweetkeat with the caps one but the rules are here to keep the server nice, friendly and enjoyable for everyone. And you are not going to play Simon says with the staff if you follow the rules in the first place and the rules are pretty easy to follow and understand.
  14. Dwimmer

    I am leaving for good.

    Awhh, it’s a shame to see you go. Good luck in the future :laugh:
  15. Dwimmer

    Happy bday b

    Woooo Happy Birthday! :laugh: