Recent content by GoldenRocks

  1. GoldenRocks

    Denied Transfer

    Format: Transfer Username: GoldenRocks Creative plot: ID: 35;5 City plot you want the build moved to: h733
  2. GoldenRocks

    Completed Basement moveing

    Format: Transfer Username: GoldenRocks Creative plot: ID: 35;5 City plot you want the build moved to: h733 I just want the basement put under the house thats there
  3. GoldenRocks

    Lost Money again!!!

    So i sold a sword for 150K and i put it in the bank and i went to do some work and then left now i didn't pay anything and i put all my money into the bank like i do before i leave i do stay at the bank anyways. so i had the 880K and i left oh i did sell a house for 100K but the 880K is with the...
  4. GoldenRocks

    Completed Transferring House

    Format: Transfer Username: GoldenRocks Creative plot: ID: 35;5 City plot you want the build moved to: h733
  5. GoldenRocks

    Denied Transferring a house

  6. GoldenRocks

    Denied Transferring a house

    I was told that i have to make one of these to transfer a house so i have it in creative so i am just waiting on this.
  7. GoldenRocks

    Resolved Missing money

    i didnt put the right amount down i should be 879K And i didnt buy that house forgot i was just looking at it so yeah sorry
  8. GoldenRocks

    Resolved Lost money

    Yeah I hope so too but none has looked at my thing I made about it so.
  9. GoldenRocks

    Resolved Lost money

    the same thing happend to me too
  10. GoldenRocks

    Resolved Missing money

    I sold a hallowed hat for 300K to someone and i added it to the bank and i had 650K before i added the 300K and i got a house for 100K and now i have around 300K. can i get some help?
  11. GoldenRocks

    I Was Banned of the store?

    So I have Been banned for charge back but they have been resolved. Now they were back in the summer time when it happend i just want to see if i have been ban from you guys or something please do get back to be as soon a possible. thanks and have a good night/day Sincerely: GoldenRocks