Recent content by gracie

  1. gracie

    Denied gracie the coolest persone eva

    Username: grxciiee_ Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: navybase
  2. gracie

    i was banned -_-

    i was banned -_-
  3. gracie

    Denied gracies.. 3rd arch app LMAO

    #1 1. What is your username? grxciiee_ 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Millionare 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes: gracieb882#2035 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) Plot home 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (pretty much all) 5. Why...
  4. gracie

    I never did one of these

    hi bray welcome to AA
  5. gracie


    hey besties im back asf til school starts... jis wanna reintroduce myself ig?? I am gracie, and I have been playing for 6 years? i think?! I am currently enrolled at choolege, and I just finished freshman year. so when school starts up ill probs be less active but we shall see xoxo
  6. gracie

    March POTM Poll

    where is the DIsLiKe buTToN
  7. gracie


    could u please
  8. gracie

    Im Buying Player Poop!

    LOL I just need a few poops,
  9. gracie

    Im Buying Player Poop!

    who are u?
  10. gracie

    Im Buying Player Poop!

    Hey guys!! If you have any player poop, doesn't matter who, I am buying! 7k per poop! Message or reply here!
  11. gracie


    thx <3
  12. gracie


    if you are online I can tp u
  13. gracie


  14. gracie


    Hey all! So ive been thinking, I am willing to sell the plot known as hillmansion1, but I would need to do so if I was offered another mansion and cash! Let me know if anyone is interested! thanks!! xox
  15. gracie


    I will! and ty!