Recent content by lxnxlybxy

  1. L

    I long for an mccities instagram or an mccitiee subreddit.

    Doesn't mccities already have an instagram account "realmccities"
  2. L

    Selling All me plots are up

    I’m not going to place another bid until I know when the bidding ends.
  3. L

    Selling All me plots are up

    h64 3.7mil
  4. L

    Selling All me plots are up

    h64 3.2 mil
  5. L

    Selling All me plots are up

    h64 3 mil
  6. L

    Selling All me plots are up

    2.5 mil h64, I'll take back my urbanhouse20 bid for now
  7. L

    Selling Taking offers on my submarine, JB-Sub

    Taking money bids on my submarine. Comment here or msg/mail me in game.
  8. L

    Selling [Round 5] McCities Official Plot Auction

    [ IGN ] ned_flanders_ [ Plot ] Amb2 [ Bid ] 4 Million [ Reason ] I've been working hard on this server for a while saving up money to buy a mansion. Amb2 is spacious and elegant. I also like this mansion because there are some non-furnished areas I'd love to decorate. Lets please not give...
  9. L

    Selling Potentially Selling JBM3

    Ill do 2.1 mil
  10. L

    Selling let’s get broke bois

    is anyone else going to offer?
  11. L

    Selling let’s get broke bois

    Well I suppose ill start off goh4 at 1 mil, I'll beat other bids by 10k