Recent content by Najlab3

  1. Najlab3

    Comeback Era??

    Any OG 's still playing on this server? I miss playing on this server with yall <3
  2. Najlab3

    Well I'm back but my mom trashed this laptop so I can only play whenever the computer says so...

    Well I'm back but my mom trashed this laptop so I can only play whenever the computer says so LMAOO!!
  3. Najlab3

    @[1560:@RothsteinCurt] :( I miss you it's been like 2months *[Dies from loneliness]*

    @[1560:@RothsteinCurt] :( I miss you it's been like 2months *[Dies from loneliness]*
  4. Najlab3

    Moving back to Texas soon!! So after the move I'll be online everyday.

    Moving back to Texas soon!! So after the move I'll be online everyday.
  5. Najlab3

    Goodbye McCities <3

    Omg!! I'm just seeing this but we are all gonna miss you so much your one of my favorite staff. Best of wishes from me and my in game family ❤❤
  6. Najlab3

    City to Creative please

    Username:Najlab3 city plot: a100 creative plot you want the build moved to: plot #2
  7. Najlab3

    I caught the flu guys that's why I've been so inactive :( I'm trying to get better fast so I can...

    I caught the flu guys that's why I've been so inactive :( I'm trying to get better fast so I can get back online. I miss you all :)
  8. Najlab3

    OnePunchGrill's Transfer Request

    Yes it's ok
  9. Najlab3

    I haven't seen you in forever either we just get on at different times now.

    I haven't seen you in forever either we just get on at different times now.
  10. Najlab3

    I would go check out my Off-Topic Thread nothing to major I just wanna embarrass Roth a little XD

    I would go check out my Off-Topic Thread nothing to major I just wanna embarrass Roth a little XD
  11. Najlab3

    Roth's Skin MalfunctionXD!!

    So sexy right :p
  12. Najlab3

    It was temporarily deleted it said I never bought minecraft temporarily. I got Mojang to fix it...

    It was temporarily deleted it said I never bought minecraft temporarily. I got Mojang to fix it thank goodness.
  13. Najlab3

    I think I lost my minecraft account OMG!! ;-; I don't know if I can come back to cities ;-;

    I think I lost my minecraft account OMG!! ;-; I don't know if I can come back to cities ;-;
  14. Najlab3

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Hope everyone is having a good time with family and friends see yah...

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Hope everyone is having a good time with family and friends see yah in game :D
  15. Najlab3

    Transfer Please
