Recent content by ShimmyPaw

  1. ShimmyPaw


    I rate this post 7.8/10, too much wholesome. Thanks, Sky.
  2. ShimmyPaw

    Multi Tool VII Broken

    Try using shift-use item. It might be stuck on Wind Staff, which is disabled.
  3. ShimmyPaw

    So, a while ago was my three year, so I'd like to just make a lil' statement here. One of my...

    So, a while ago was my three year, so I'd like to just make a lil' statement here. One of my friends introduced me to the server, and I've been here ever since, which makes me think about all I've done on here and be proud. I mean, just last year, I went from just another average player to...
  4. ShimmyPaw

    Lost Apartment in Sustain-ap

    A bit of a late response. If you're missing a region, make a report in the Missing Regions forum (located in the Support section of the forums). Some higher-up staff members will probably fix the region if you just make a request in there.
  5. ShimmyPaw

    Thank you, Tango! <3

    Thank you, Tango! <3
  6. ShimmyPaw

    Thanks, Quest! Happy belated birthday, too. :D

    Thanks, Quest! Happy belated birthday, too. :D
  7. ShimmyPaw

    Thanks, Patty! <3

    Thanks, Patty! <3
  8. ShimmyPaw

    I’ll still be working on my active clients’ requests, so if anyone who has hired me before still...

    I’ll still be working on my active clients’ requests, so if anyone who has hired me before still has a project at, please contact me in-game.
  9. ShimmyPaw

    Quick note to everyone that hires me as an Architect: my requests are currently CLOSED. I’m...

    Quick note to everyone that hires me as an Architect: my requests are currently CLOSED. I’m currently swamped with homework and projects for other players that might take me a while. Sorry about any inconvenience.
  10. ShimmyPaw

    They call me the Man of Truth... it’s all they’ve ever called me.

    They call me the Man of Truth... it’s all they’ve ever called me.
  11. ShimmyPaw

    Arch to City

    Username: ShimmyPaw, transfer is for CurlyHairKiller. Arch plot: /plot home 4 City plot you want the build moved to: H502 Thank you in advance.
  12. ShimmyPaw

    City to Arch

    Username: ShimmyPaw City plot you want transferred: /as tp modernhouse1 Arch plot you want it transferred to: /plot home 4 Thank you in advance.
  13. ShimmyPaw

    Broken Tier V Multi Tool

    Username: ShimmyPaw List of broken items: 1x Damascus Steel Multi Tool, tier 5 Screenshots of tiered items (as proof if applicable): Coordinates of chest containing broken items: It's at /as tp sky56, in the chest in the middle of the room, or at the coordinates 403, 71, 673 by /warp mcdonalds.
  14. ShimmyPaw

    Arch to Survival

    Username: ShimmyPaw Creative plot: /plot home 4, the one with the yellow marker above it. Please remove the marker when finished. City plot you want the build moved to: h346
  15. ShimmyPaw

    City to Arch

    Username: ShimmyPaw City plot: sky56 Arch plot: /plot home 4 Thank you in advance.